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Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm offered legal advice for the launching of the first peer-to-peer car sharing platform in Romania, perpetoo.com

26 Septembrie 2019   |   BizLawyer

The Romanian law firm advised perpetoo.com in all the legal aspects prior to the launch of the portal such as: drafting the terms and conditions of the website, drafting the car rental contracts concluded between car owners and the clients and the revision of the GDPR documentation.

Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm advised the first peer to peer car sharing platform that was launched in Romania: perpetoo.com. The consultancy involved a series of legal challenges, taking into account that the legislation regulating this segment was not yet finalized at that time, according to the lawyers specialized in the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) area of practice of Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm.

"In this case we provided legal advice to a Romanian company that was going to operate in a field that wasn’t still regulated, because the related legislation was in public debate. So we may say that we were a part of the legislative process. We discussed with the regulating authorities in the field of technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) and even presented a legislative initiative and some recommendations that contributed to the final regulations”, said Radu Pavel, lawyer specialized in technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) and at the same time Managing Partner of Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm.

The Romanian law firm advised perpetoo.com in all the legal aspects prior to the launch of the portal such as: drafting the terms and conditions of the website, drafting the car rental contracts concluded between car owners and the clients and the revision of the GDPR documentation.

According to Romanian lawyer Radu Pavel, in such cases the legal consultant "must have in mind the relationship between the owner of the car and the person that rents the car and all the legal issues that may arise, trying to prevent them. All these aspects must be included in the terms and conditions of the online platform, but also in the contracts concluded between the parties involved”.

Perpetoo.com is an online platform that brings together individuals and legal entities who want to offer cars for rent, on one hand, and individuals who want to use the car, on the other. Cars can be rented for minimum 3 hours and maximum 30 days.

The rental procedure is simple. Car owners list cars on the platform. The cars can be afterwards rented by people who need them. All cars benefit from a Casco insurance policy, which was specially conceived for this kind of service, so the risk associated with the rental service is minimal, both for the car owner and the renter. The rental service payment is made online.

Compared to the taxi service, the peer to peer car sharing service provided by perpetoo.com has the advantage that it gives the driver freedom of movement and, overall, it can be even more cost effective. At the same time, compared to car rental companies, the perpetoo.com platform has the advantage that it does not impose “additional or hidden taxes. The service is provided in a transparent and trust-based environment. The owner alone decides daily rental fee, and is free to choose only the users he trusts”, said Aurelian Marin, the founder of the platform.

Over the years, Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm managed many cases for companies in the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) area of practice, offering legal advice in relation to: the terms and conditions regarding the websites, GDPR provisions, the contracts involved and the risks associated as well as in cases of intellectual property. The Romanian law firm has in its portfolio online stores and software companies. The legal issues related to the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) area of practice in Romania can face a lot of challenges. That is why, by hiring a specialist, you are sure that the case is managed in the shortest time and under the best conditions, says lawyers specialized in the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) area of practice of Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm.

Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm is one of the top law firms in Romania, which offers legal services at the highest quality, beyond client’s expectations. Among Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates clients are top multinationals and local companies. In 2019, the success stories of the Romanian Law Firm have brought recognition of the most prestigious international guides and publications. Thus, Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm ranked second place in Romania in the rankings of business law firms with the most relevant expertise this year, realized by the Legal 500 publication, the most prestigious guide for law firms in the world, based in London, UK. The law firm is also recognized internationally by IFLR 1000 Financial and Corporate Guide 2019. Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm is also the only law firm in Romania recommended by the Global Law Experts Director in London in the Dispute Resolution area of Practice.






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