Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

SIMION & BACIU wins Firm of the Year in Romania distinction for the 3rd time at the prestigious Managing IP EMEA gala. Ana-Maria Baciu is the first Romanian lawyer awarded Practitioner of the Year in Romania during the same event

22 Iunie 2023   |   BizLawyer

Ana-Maria has been singled out from a group of only six esteemed professionals shortlisted for Romania.

SIMION & BACIU is the winner of the 2023 Firm of the Year in Romania distinction, awarded at the Managing IP EMEA Awards ceremony organized on June 21, in London. This marks the third consecutive year when the firm receives this much-coveted award dedicated to the international intellectual property community.

As in previous years, domestic and international law firms active in Romania have competed for this one-of-a-kind award, with eight outfits being shortlisted for Romania. SIMION & BACIU is proud to have surpassed exceptionally strong competition.

In addition, Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner of the firm won the Practitioner of the Year in Romania award, during the event. Ana-Maria is the first Romanian lawyer to win this distinction, a recognition given to professionals that are highly regarded in their respective jurisdictions for their activity in the intellectual property field. Ana-Maria has been singled out from a group of only six esteemed professionals shortlisted for Romania.

The highly reputable awards programme run by Managing IP is one of the premier annual awards events for firms and professionals active in the intellectual property field worldwide.

Now in their 18th year, the awards are presented to firms, individuals and companies “behind the most innovative and challenging IP work of the past year, as well as those driving the international IP market” and cover over 50 jurisdictions, worldwide. Being the winner of both distinctions awarded for Romania by the programme represents another powerful independent acknowledgement of our firm’s strong position among the leading domestic law firms and our team’s all-encompassing expertise across the full spectrum of the intellectual property law practice area.

Present at the 2023 Managing IP EMEA Awards ceremony, Ana-Maria Baciu stated: We dedicate our knowledge, creativity, and time to turning into reality our commitment to make available an exceptional service to the community we are an integral part of. Our determination drives us to consistently find ways of going above and beyond, while ensuring that we remain mindful of each opportunity, or challenge, during the professional journeys of our clients, business partners, and colleagues. It is a great honor for us to have been awarded the esteemed title of Firm of the Year in Romania for the third consecutive time. We consider this a recognition of our unwavering focus that lies not just in reaching a destination, but in cultivating a distinctive approach to conducting business, guided by the values that inspire us, while also reflecting our identity. Thank you to all those that trust us and challenge us along the way. I am equally honored for being awarded as Practitioner of the Year in Romania – it is a strong motivator of thriving to yet another level.”

SIMION & BACIU boasts one of the most distinguished and highly regarded intellectual property practices active in Romania, making available to the business community the in-depth knowledge more commonly associated with boutique intellectual property firms, authentically coupled with the resources and expertise required for complex transactional work and disputes resolution representation.

Over the past year, our team members have continued to advice on prominent trademark, patent and copyright matters and ensured representation on highly sensitive dispute resolution cases for various international and national leaders in their field of activity, high-profile worldwide acclaimed brands, as well as domestic entrepreneurs and third-party professional or not for profit organizations.

Firm of the Year in Romania and Practitioner of the Year in Romania distinctions are part of a string of recognitions of SIMION & BACIU’s and its team members’ performance in the context of the 2023 research conducted by Managing IP:

→   In March 2023, the firm received top honors, being ranked Tier 1 and acknowledged as Top Tier Firm in the Trademark contentious and Trademark prosecution sections of the IP Stars rankings, SIMION & BACIU being the only Romanian firm to be currently ranked in the highest ranking for both sections.
→   In May 2023, Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner was included in the highly selected Managing IP’s Top 250 Women in IP list. This marks the seventh time in a row when Ana-Maria is included in this selected list of female intellectual property practitioners and, at the same time, another first to market: Ana-Maria is the only professional active in Romania to be noted as a remarkable expert in the field in the 2023 edition of the top.

→   Ana-Maria Baciu and Andreea Bende, Partner were recognized as IP Stars (trademarks) and Cosmina Maria Simion, Managing Partner, featured in the write-up, in May 2023.


A law firm that law firm that brings a different approach to legal services and independently acclaimed client service, SIMION & BACIU is a reference on the Romanian business law market, with a strong propensity toward offering legal services with strong regulatory content.

The team of over 25 professionals provides a tailored relationship model to clients and business partners. The team operates based on a consulting-litigation matrix structure, with main areas of practice including Intellectual Property, Consumer Protection & Advertising and Data Privacy, Gaming and Gambling regulatory, Technology & Media, Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Pharmaceutical/Medical regulatory and Disputes Resolution.

SIMION & BACIU and members of its team are active in third-party professional organizations such as AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce in Romania), INTA (International Trademark Association), ECTA (European Communities Trademark Association), IMGL (International Masters of Gaming Law), and Concordia (Employers' Confederation) , thus, being permanently connected to the evolution and trends of the Romanian and international business and legal environment.

Members of our team are independently acknowledged by reputable international directories including Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, Managing IP, Who’sWho Legal and WTR 1000.

Our growing reputation is reconfirmed by international and domestic distinctions, including:

→ Recognition as a Leading Firm by the leading British publication Legal500, since the establishment of our firm, in 2019;

Recognition as a leading firm by Chambers and Partners, one of the most prestigious publication evaluating the activity of law firms across over 200 jurisdictions;

Law Firm of the Year in Romania distinction awarded by Managing IP (2021, 2022 and 2023);

Recognition as a Top Firm by IP STARS (2020, 2021, 2022), Trademark Firm of the Year in Romania at the IP Global Awards (2022) and Gold-band by WTR (2023)






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