Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

SIMION & BACIU wins for the 2nd time the prestigious Romania Firm of the Year award by Managing IP

16 Iunie 2022   |   BizLawyer

The highly reputable awards programme run by Managing IP is considered to be the premier annual awards event for firms and professionals active in the intellectual property field worldwide.

SIMION & BACIU is proud to announce that it is the winner of the 2022 Romania Firm of the Year distinction, awarded at the Managing IP EMEA Awards ceremony organized on June 15, in London. This marks the second consecutive year when the firm receives this much-coveted award dedicated to the international intellectual property community.

The highly reputable awards programme run by Managing IP is considered to be the premier annual awards event for firms and professionals active in the intellectual property field worldwide.

Now in their 17th year, the awards are presented to firms, individuals and companies “behind the most innovative and challenging IP work of the past year, as well as those driving the international IP market” and cover over 50 jurisdictions, worldwide. Being the winner for Romania of this highly respected programme is yet another powerful independent acknowledgement of our firm’s strong position among the leading domestic law firms active in the intellectual property field and our team’s all-encompassing expertise across the full spectrum of the intellectual property law practice area.

This year, the firm competed with four other domestic and international law firms and surpassed strong competition.

Present at the 2022 Managing IP EMEA Awards ceremony, Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner, stated:
It gives us great pride to receive this distinction for the second time in a raw. It is rewarding to see that the value we add to our clients’ IP projects is independently acknowledged, thus making an impact in the IP community. Also, we are very motivated by the fact that the dedication and enthusiasm of our highly experienced team receives such an outstanding commend. We thank our clients for their continuous trust and support and our team members for their extraordinary commitment. This award represents a source of inspiration for all of us to continue to grow and to continue to exceed our and everyone else’s expectations”.

SIMION & BACIU boasts one of the most distinguished and highly regarded intellectual property practices active in Romania, with its team offering market-leading IP legal services across the board.
Over the past year, our team members have continued to advice on prominent trademark, patent and copyright matters and ensured representation on highly sensitive dispute resolution cases for various leaders in their field of activity and high-profile worldwide acclaimed brands.

During the past 12 months, SIMION & BACIU was particularly commended for the representation of one of the global leaders in generics and biopharmaceutical medicines in relation to a highly sensitive dispute regarding the validity of a supplementary protection certificate, a case that relies heavily on EU law, EU case law and national case law of other Member States as in Romania there are no current relevant precedents or dedicated legislation tackling the subject matter of the dispute.  

Also, the team has been representing a full end-to-end software services provider in a highly challenging dispute stemming from a software development agreement.

In addition, SIMION & BACIU lawyers continued to assist during the past 12 months a world leading bearing manufacturer in connection with a large volume seizure of ball bearings performed by the Romanian Customs, matter that, in case of a successful result in Romania, might lead to de-structuring of an important network involved in counterfeiting our client’s original products.

We would also note our representation to one of the biggest manufacturers of radio and security electrical equipment for military and commercial use, and a company active in the field of research and development of radio relay equipment, antenna units and systems, water and wastewater treatment plants and photovoltaic systems production and different consumer goods, in connection with several disputes having as object international trademarks in our client’s portfolio.

Other selected credentials highlighting the variety in content and structure of the projects the team has been handling during the past 12 months also include SIMION & BACIU’s substantial assistance to a multinational tobacco company in relation to prosecution, clearance and securing of trademark rights in Romania for various entities within the company’s group, as well as to the local subsidiary of a top 3  brewer in the world in relation to full trademark and design portfolio management.

The Romania Firm of the Year award is part of a string of announcements on the performance of SIMION & BACIU and its team members in the context of the 2022 research conducted by Managing IP:
•    In March 2022, the firm received top honours, being ranked Tier 1 and acknowledged as “Top Tier Firm” in the Trademark contentious and Trademark prosecution sections of the IP Stars rankings.
•    In May 2022, Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner was included in the highly selected Managing IP’s Top 250 Women in IP list.
•    The honouring acknowledgements continued with Ana-Maria Baciu and Andreea Bende, Partner of the firm being recognized as IP Stars (trademarks), also in May 2022.

Details about the Managing IP awards programme and the complete list of winners are available







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