Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

InteRo Property Development adds investment arm to its developing operations, aiming to consolidate foothold in Romanian Real Estate

02 Martie 2021   |   BizLawyer

The group has signed its first global investor, selling almost 20% of its premium project Northlight Residence

InteRo Property Development, owned by Canadian Topolinski investors family, diversifies activities by establishing an investment division, as part of its long-term strategy to consolidate its presence in Romania and bring new, high-quality real estate projects to a developing, promising market.

The Investment arm - InteRo Property Development Investment Group – will address potential partners from all over the world seeking for the opportunities of premium projects in dynamic markets.

“Our Romanian portfolio has been developed with the highest quality standards in mind because our aim is to drive the development of the local market, both in terms of quality and mentality. This principle is greatly appreciated by investors with global reach, since it reflects long term vision and sustainability,” said Michael Topolinski, founder of InteRo. “As such, we have already signed our first global partner, who made an investment for almost 20% of the exclusive, soon to be finalized project Northlight Residence.”

Having global investors on-board for local projects is a first for the Topolinski family, who has been present in Romania for over 13 years. The expressed interest from investors in North America, Asia and nearby countries is clearly a validation of Romania’s potential in the long run.

“For more than a decade now we have been an active developer and investor in the Romanian real estate market, witnessing its step-by-step transformation and contributing to the steady upgrading of quality standards and market expectations,” Michael Topolinski added. “Even before the pandemic there was still great room for development, but today – more than ever – the country needs new and better projects, designed to provide the comfort and functionality of a healthy and balanced lifestyle, in a new post-COVID reality.”

The newly established investment arm will support both InteRo’s ongoing and future projects.
InteRo Property Development’s developing portfolio in Bucharest includes:
NorthLight Residence. Located in the middle of nature in North-East Bucharest, the project spans 13,000 sqm and includes a total of 110 apartments. Currently in the last stages of development, it will be finalized over the next few weeks. NorthLight Residence’s VIP Program is offered to Investors that purchase a minimum of three apartments. Our Team provides constant support and Investors receive significant financial and administrative benefits.
SkyLight Residence. Situated in the central part of the City (Obor area), the 10-hectares mixed-use project will provide upon its completion a total of 100,000 sqm office space and 270,000 sqm of residential.
Bucurestii Noi project has been designed as an environmentally-friendly, state-of-the-art technology IT campus that will be developed on a 5-hectare plot connected to the Jiului Metro station. As an integrated project, it will consist of 7 office buildings totaling 197,000 sqm (93,000 sqm to be developed by Skanska Property Romania, and the rest by InteRo).







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