Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

LegiTeam | GNP Guia Naghi and Partners is looking for a talented lawyer (Technology & Data protection practice)

13 Octombrie 2022   |   LegiTeam

We are ready to welcome amazing individuals to our exceptional team. If you are interested in joining our team, please submit your CV to: office@gnp.ro

GNP Guia Naghi and Partners is looking for a talented lawyer to join our Technology & Data protection practice.

What do we offer?

·       Huge impact. You’ll be shouldering significant and varied responsibilities. You’ll take part in edgy projects for some of the biggest local and international tech companies.

·       People who lift one another. A friendly, dynamic, and rewarding work environment. You will be part of our Technology & Data protection team, but you will closely collaborate with colleagues from all departments, especially corporate, consumer protection and pharma.

·       Trust & effective growth opportunities. We believe that each of us has its own growth path, and our firm will be enhancing yours.

·       Unique career opportunity. By joining a fast-growing law firm, with members recognized as experts in their field, you get a special chance to turbocharge your career and learning curve.

·       Continuous mentorship. We hire for talent and leave the ego at the door. You’ll be assigned a mentor who will guide you and make sure that you have all the support you need.

·       Competitive compensation package & downtown office location. Our total compensation is very competitive and can grow rapidly depending on your performance. We work hard and play hard – we offer more days off than the majority of law firms.

Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!

Who are we looking for?

·       1-3 years of professional experience in a law firm. Even if your experience is on other areas of the law, you are acquainted with legal research, drafting and organizing.

·       Business orientation and common sense. Your thinking is based on the law and jurisprudence and, most of all, is always well-grounded in reality and in the commercial needs of the client.

·       Reasoning and depth of learning. You have good structure, good legal writing and sound legal reasoning. You are keen to learn new concepts and skills rapidly.

·       Curiosity towards technology and innovative business models. While direct experience with technology and data protection regulations is not required, you should be deeply interested in legal and compliance topics related to digital and platforms.

·       Drive and team spirit. You are perseverant and you do your best to get the job done – and done well. You are reliable, ask for help when necessary and offer to help when the going gets tough.

·       Excellent command of written and spoken English.

Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!

Become part of our team

We are ready to welcome amazing individuals to our exceptional team. If you are interested in joining our team, please submit your CV to: office@gnp.ro

If this role is not quite what you are looking for, but you are interested in joining our team, please do not hesitate to contact us as we will be happy to further discuss new collaboration opportunities.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

About us - GNP Guia Naghi and Partners

We are a creative and versatile law firm that provides valuable advice to valuable clients.

With 17+ years of expertise in the legal business, we have come to the strong belief that every problem has more than one solution. The secret to finding the solution that best suits our client’s specific case relies on our fresh perspective and dedicated mindset.

Our biggest value are the PEOPLE: people we work with, people we work for. This is why we do not do “off-the-shelf” anything, but tailor-make everything, to suit people’s missions, challenges and expectations. We do not endorse standard advice and standard results; we always strive for the exceptional.

Our highest pledge is to QUALITY and BUSINESS MINDFULNESS: quality in the relationship with our clients, in the delivery of our advice and in approaching each assignment with attention to detail while being focused on sound business strategies that can provide effective results.

Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!







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