Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Promotions at ZRVP: Two Partners Join Management Team and Four Other Lawyers Take a Step Forward in Their Careers

04 Martie 2024   |   M. T.

• Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners (ZRVP) has expanded its management team to 17 partners by promoting lawyers Violeta Saranciuc and Alexandru Iorgulescu to partners. The two new partners will strengthen the management teams of the international arbitration and restructuring & insolvency departments. • Four other lawyers in the litigation department (Daniela Iacob, Andreia Moraru, Adelina Petcu and Andra Bălțatu) have been promoted to different levels of seniority.

Law firm Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners (ZRVP) announces a series of promotions for 2024 within its team.The six appointments, effective March 1, 2024, are for lawyers in the Litigation department, with the promotions awarded based on performance criteria such as professional contribution to the firm’s success, the ample scope and complexity of the projects they have coordinated, as well as business skills and positive feedback from clients.

“The moment of promotions, especially for partners who started their careers with us from day one, reminds me of graduation festivities. Our school for lawyers continues our story and our mission of training accomplished professionals, the epitome of dedication and responsibility in the legal profession. The journey of the legal profession is fascinating and can only be successfully taken by those who follow this path with passion, dedication and hard work. I congratulate them on this achievement and wish them every success in the future”, said Cosmin Vasile, managing partner of Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners.

The new partners are successful young lawyers who have contributed over the years to the expansion of the firm’s client portfolio and the development of the teams they lead. Both Violeta Saranciuc and Alexandru Iorgulescu started their careers at ZRVP 15 years ago, going through all professional levels, from internships during their university studies to the coordination of numerous large-scale projects and strategic mandates in various fields.

“ZRVP is the largest litigation and arbitration law brand in Romania, with a solid reputation and strong presence in the international arbitration services market. I am honored and delighted to become a partner at this law firm, contributing to the further development of the international arbitration practice. It has been a long-haul flight, and I am grateful for the guidance I have received and the people I have met along the way. From everyone– fellow lawyers, clients, representatives of other legal professions and other professions and fields– I had something to learn. Strengthening the relationship with ZRVP, by being promoted as a partner, means that this professional journey continues in a new form, with new goals, but with the same passion for law”, said Violeta Saranciuc.

“Thank you to our partners for their support and trust over the years. The new position honors me and motivates me to leverage the invaluable litigation experience I gained at ZRVP into new opportunities. I value the passion and dedication to the client of the team I have around me and I am confident that together we will strengthen our insolvency and financial-banking litigation practice”, added Alexandru Iorgulescu.

Four other lawyers in the litigation department have moved up through the ranks. Daniela Iacob was promoted to managing associate and Andreia Moraru, Adelina Petcu and Andra Balțatu became senior associates.

The current promotions have extended the team of managing associates to 11 lawyers with the task of coordinating litigation teams, after another senior lawyer, Eugen Tudose, was promoted to this seniority last year.

The litigation department has also recently gained a new senior lawyer by co-opting Cristina Onofrei, a lawyer with over ten years of experience in civil and commercial litigation, administrative law and public procurement.

Violeta SARANCIUC, FCIArb (partner)
Violeta Saranciuc is a lawyer with over 12 years of experience in international litigation and arbitration.
Violeta has participated, as counsel, in some of the most important international arbitrations involving Romanian parties, organized under ICC, ICSID, VIAC, UNCITRAL and CICACCIR rules, and regularly represents foreign clients in arbitrations in different jurisdictions.
In court, Violeta provides legal representation in arbitration-related court proceedings, in competition disputes, general administrative contentious and civil litigation, especially in the construction field.  
Violeta is included in the global ranking Who’s Who Legal Future Leaders: Arbitration from 2021 and actively participates in the development of the international arbitration community in Romania, with the aim of promoting Romania as a preferred place for arbitration. She is co-founder and co-chair of YRAP– Young Romanian Arbitration Practitioners, the first initiative dedicated to the community of Romanian international arbitration practitioners in Romania and abroad under the age of 40. Last year she was appointed ambassador of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) in Romania. She has been a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London) since 2017.

Alexandru IORGULESCU (partner)
Alexandru Iorgulescu has specialized, since the beginning of his career in 2010, in the field of insolvency and restructuring, being involved over time in some of the highest-profile insolvency proceedings initiated in Romania.  Alexandru assists mainlyin highly complex cases involving, for example, syndicated loans, foreign elements or properties of very high value, being recognized for his full understanding of the phenomenon and efficiency in applying legal solutions.
Alexandru represents both creditors and debtors in insolvency-related proceedings, as well as in a rich caseload of foreclosure and banking disputes.
The Legal 500: EMEA international guide has included him for the last two years in the Romanian Restructuring & Insolvency ranking in the Rising Star category.

Daniela IACOB (managing associate)
With over 12 years of experience in dispute resolution, Daniela specializes in civil and commercial litigation, representing clients mainly in labor and social security law, administrative contentious and tax litigation, as well as civil and inter-professional disputes.
Having solid expertise in the field of dispute resolution, her practice includes advising and representing a considerable number of clients in complex projects, starting with assistance in negotiations for the amicable settlement of disputes and representation in specific administrative proceedings, up to representation in court at all procedural stages. Among her clients are major national and international companies, as well as a reputed higher education institution in Romania.

Eugen TUDOSE (managing associate)
With extensive professional experience as a litigator since 2011, Eugen Tudose specializes in complex civil, commercial, insolvency, administrative contentious and tax litigation cases in sectors such as energy, oil and gas, banking, corporate, retail, transport, construction, real estate and infrastructure.

Andra BĂLȚATU (senior associate)
With more than five years of professional experience, Andra specializes in civil, commercial, administrative and public procurement law, handling complex projects for clients, companies in industries such as insurance, construction, energy and public authorities. Recently, Andra has given particular focus to ESG legislation, both at a national and European level and its application in the business environment, providing clients with significant know-how for the sustainable development of their business.

Andreia MORARU (senior associate)
With more than six years of professional experience, Andreia specializes in international arbitration, commercial and administrative litigation, her area of expertise covering, in particular, construction, energy and public procurement disputes. Her experience in the sphere of international arbitration includes representing clients in arbitral proceedings conducted under the ICC, CCIR, ICSID and UNCITRAL arbitration rules.  

Adelina PETCU (senior associate)
With over 13 years of professional experience, Adelina specializes in civil, commercial and administrative litigation. Her practice includes projects in the areas of civil law, insurance law, public procurement and administrative- tax law.

Cristina ONOFREI (senior associate)
With over ten years of experience, Cristina specializes in civil and commercial litigation, administrative law and public procurement. Cristina focuses her practice on international arbitration and dispute resolution, and represents clients in various industries, with a focus on disputes arising from FIDIC contracts and energy projects. She is particularly involved in arbitration proceedings conducted under the UNCITRAL rules and in ICC arbitration.

Zamfirescu Racoţi Vasile & Partners (ZRVP) is recognized as one of the leading law firms in Romania, providing legal assistance services in the areas of litigation and arbitration, as well as business law, insolvency, criminal law and tax consultancy.
ZRVP has a team of 65 lawyers, including 17 partners: Călin-Andrei Zamfirescu, Ioana Racoţi and Stan Tîrnoveanu (founding partners), Cosmin Vasile (managing partner), Anca Danilescu (senior partner), Elena Iacob, Alina Tugearu, Monica Strîmbei, Cătălin Micu, Andrei Dumitrescu, Mihai Băjenaru, Cosmin Cojocaru, Marina Crenguța Florea, Ovidiu Șerban, Violeta Saranciuc and Alexandru Iorgulescu (partners), și Robert Oancea (of counsel).






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