Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Clifford Chance Badea advised Grupul Tei in the sale of a minority stake to the Dedeman founders

12 Aprilie 2022   |   BizLawyer

The lawyers of Clifford Chance Badea advised throughout the entire transaction, from deal structuring to due diligence, negotiation and drafting of related documentation, as well as the notification of the deal to the Competition Council.

Clifford Chance Badea, the local office of global law firm Clifford Chance, advised Grupul Tei, founded by entrepreneur Roxana Maftei, in the sale of a 30% stake in Farmacia Tei and Bebe Tei to Pavăl Holding.

The team of lawyers who worked on the transaction included Nadia Badea, partner and coordinator of the M&A practice, and Radu Costin and Alexandra Voicu, senior associates. Aspects related to the notification process to the Competition Council are being coordinated by Eleonora Udroiu, Of Counsel, and Maria Ciulică, lawyer.

"We are glad that we were involved in such an unique and extremely interesting transaction for the Romanian business environment, which confirms the potential and maturity of local companies. We hope that we will see more and more such transactions in the future,” says Nadia Badea. "The entrepreneurial spirit manifested itself throughout the entire collaboration, as each party showed a pragmatic and constructive approach so as to reach the best result for both parties.”

The lawyers of Clifford Chance Badea advised throughout the entire transaction, from deal structuring to due diligence, negotiation and drafting of related documentation, as well as the notification of the deal to the Competition Council.

Clifford Chance Badea's portfolio consists of some of the most important local and regional projects, advising multinational companies, investment funds and global financial institutions on complex projects such as mergers and acquisitions, merger or antitrust investigations, commercial law or employment law. The company is often the first option for legal advice provided to the most important active private equity funds in Romania and the region.

Its recent portfolio includes, among others, milestone transactions in strategic industries, such as:

• Advising Crédit Agricole regarding the sale of its operations in Romania to Vista Bank;
• Advising Enel Green Power Romania in a transaction regarding the acquisition of two solar farms in South Eastern Romania from the Greek group Mytilineos, with a total capacity of approximately 90 MW;
• Advising Kingspan in the acquisition of the Steel division of TeraPlast Group, operating in Romania and Serbia;
• Advising Mondelez in the acquisition of Chipita group, one of the largest pastry and snacks producers in CEE;
• Advising Pfizer on local aspects of its global spin-off and combination of its generics business Upjohn with Mylan.
• Advising CVC Capital Partners, global leader in private equity, on the acquisition of the insurance business Ethniki active in Greece, Cyprus and Romania (and including Garanta Asigurari) from NBG.






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