Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

KPMG in Romania appoints three new partners

01 Octombrie 2020   |   BizLawyer

The new appointments reflect the continuing success of our business, in spite of the current difficult context, and our confidence in the future.

KPMG in Romania is pleased to announce the appointment of three new Partners: Bogdan Vlad and Nicoleta Rusu in our Audit Department, and Robert Maxim in Advisory. The new appointments reflect the continuing success of our business, in spite of the current difficult context, and our confidence in the future.

Bogdan Vlad, Audit Partner, has been with KPMG for twenty years and his promotion to the partnership is a natural result of the considerable experience he has gained throughout his career, in audit and quality and risk management, which he applies in his work to support our clients. Bogdan has been a Director in Audit since 2010, and has worked on engagements for a broad range of industries, such as Retail, Automotive, Manufacturing, Real Estate, and Construction. He has also played a key role in business development for KPMG in Romania as well as in quality and risk management for KPMG International. Bogdan is a people person, who has a strong rapport with his team and is keen to help people develop their talents.

Bogdan says: “It is a privilege to join the partnership of KPMG in Romania. In times of change, our risk management and audit professionals assist business leaders dealing with complex issues to  drive strategic decisions. I will continue to build out our capabilities so we remain the clear choice among professional services firms.”

Nicoleta Rusu, Audit Partner, is a successful and experienced audit professional, who has been part of KPMG in Romania’s Audit department for more than 20 years. During this time, she has conducted audits covering numerous sectors, including Telecom, General Manufacturing, Retail and Oil&Gas. She has also played an active part in various local and international KPMG Audit Quality and Innovation projects. Nicoleta has made a significant contribution to the development of the local Department of Professional Practice by building a multi talent team to match the activities curated by the  practice. Those who have worked with her on various projects have praised her leadership qualities and her capacity for understanding individual needs as well as her ability to connect talent and form great teams, which  provide excellent service to our clients.

“Ever since I joined the firm as a junior staff member over 20 years ago I have had great respect for the leadership style at KPMG. So it's a privilege and a great responsibility to take on as Partner in these challenging times. The expectations are high from our clients, our people, markets and regulators-but it is these challenges that offer the best opportunities for growth. I am looking forward to turning these opportunities into success stories and  continuing to provide our clients with services that live up to our values”, said Nicoleta.

Robert Maxim, Advisory Partner, joins the Partnership as a result of the recent integration of Ensight Management Solutions into KPMG in Romania. Formerly Partner at Ensight, Robert has considerable experience of offering consultancy services to the Romanian market. During his career he has worked with clients in various industries, such as financial services, retail, energy, real-estate, healthcare and pharma. He has also developed in-depth relationships with NGOs and other actors in civil society, which he will continue to deepen, as part of KPMG’s commitment to our community. The integration of Ensight Management Solutions into KPMG in Romania will enable a winning combination of the strong local experience which Ensight has built up over 20 years, with KPMG’s global knowledge base and resources.

As Robert says: “I’m proud to rejoin KPMG in this period of strategic opportunities. I join a dynamic and innovative team with the entrepreneurial mindset needed to succeed in today’s environment and I am looking forward to supporting our clients in preparing for the future.”

As Ramona Jurubiță, Country Managing Partner at KPMG in Romania comments: “I’m delighted to welcome Bogdan, Nicoleta and Robert to the Partnership. Their appointment is a reflection of their dedication and commitment to offering our clients top quality service, based on rigorous standards. The expansion of the Partnership, even in the current difficult situation, is also a demonstration of the strength of our business, our adaptability and our ability not only to survive but also to grow as we prepare for a bright future beyond these challenging times.”     

KPMG in Romania and Moldova operates from six offices located in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Iasi, Timisoara and Chisinau.







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