Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

KPMG Legal strengthens its litigation team by bringing on board two litigators with international expertise

16 Decembrie 2019   |   A.D.

Currently, the litigation team of KPMG Legal is composed of 8 lawyers, including two partners, four senior lawyers and two junior lawyers.

Oana Caloian, Senior Managing Associate, and Daliana Popa, Senior Associate - KPMG Legal

Two new litigators have been recruited by KPMG Legal Romania (Toncescu si Asociații SPARL): Oana Caloian as Senior Managing Associate and Daliana Popa as Senior Associate. Currently, the litigation team of KPMG Legal is composed of 8 lawyers, including two partners, four senior lawyers and two junior lawyers.

“Recruiting two new litigators came as an answer to the growth of the litigation practice in our law firm in the last year. Our main purpose is to have one of the best litigation teams on the market and solution-oriented lawyers. That is why our wish is to attract new team members with experience in both domestic and international projects. Oana and Daliana fit the values of KPMG Legal and their expertise in international matters will be highly beneficial to the growth of our legal practice”, said Vlad Peligrad, head of the litigation practice of KPMG Legal.

Oana Caloian has more than 10 years of experience gained in both local and international law firms, as well as with a private international consulting engineers & contract managers firm operating in Romania. Oana represented . domestic and international clients in all levels of jurisdiction, including before national courts and arbitral tribunals in various disputes including civil law, labor law, administrative law, fiscal law, commercial law, intellectual property, construction, restructuring and insolvency.
In her previous work with top law firms, Oana has managed to build an impeccable reputation for both professional quality and client care. Her clients regularly refer to her as “partner” in recognition of her solid dedication to their projects. It is this combination of professional support and unique attention to the client’s needs that make Oana particularly well qualified to work successfully on the most sophisticated cases.

I am thrilled to join the KPMG Legal team and to embrace all the values of this highly professional law firm. Having "under one roof" all skills and integrated services (advisory, tax and legal) helps clients respond to constant changes in the global economy affecting their businesses.
I am confident that my recent work and relevant experience will significantly contribute to KPMG’s culture of building lasting relationships with clients, as well as developing knowledge of their organizations, personnel and lines of business, and helping them handle accurately and efficiently both day-to-day issues and complex strategic matters.
In the recent context of increased demand from our clients wishing to protect their commercial position in times of crisis, focusing more on adopting a project management approach that ensures cost control, predictability and certainty for our clients, has become a real necessity. Consequently, having a fully integrated law firm which is involved in the client’s business plans from an early stage is essential to support the client’s commercial objectives and anticipate the best outcome for the client. More importantly, this will allow us put our advice into context and add value to the client’s business

Oana Caloian

Daliana Popa has two years of expertise gained in local and international law firms and she specializes in civil and commercial disputes. Her current practice is focused mainly on tax, commercial, insolvency and administrative matters.
Daliana has assisted clients in each phase of the judicial procedure, from drafting dispute resolution clauses, to the conduct of proceedings before national courts and enforcing judicial decisions. She has also represented national and international companies and joint ventures, as well as private individuals before national Courts, in a diversity of dispute resolution proceedings, on issues which include: banking, insolvency, administrative, commercial and corporate litigation, debt recovery procedures, agreement enforcement and real-estate. Daliana has also been involved in projects related to competition investigations, merger control procedures and business transfer transactions.

I am delighted to be a part of the KPMG Legal Romania litigation team and to further expand my areas of expertise by working with fully fledged professionals.
Sharing the same values and ambitions as the KPMG global network and having the support of the fully integrated services know-how of KPMG in Romania, our main purpose is to deliver the best solutions that can accommodate the particularities presented by each case that our clients encounter.
Daliana Popa

KPMG Legal
(Toncescu and Associates SPARL) is a young, dynamic and innovative law firm, offering specialized and high-quality legal services to its clients, with a unique position on the international legal market as a result of its membership of the global network KPMG Global Legal Services (GLS), which is composed of more than 2.400 lawyers, located in 79 jurisdictions. Being part of KPMG Legal facilitates our access to an international source of legal know-how, staff and cross border projects.
In Romania, KPMG Legal provides all types of legal services from banking and financing, commercial contracts, corporate, mergers & acquisitions, litigation, domestic and international arbitration, public procurement and PPP, FIDIC, labour law, IP & IT, technology and GDPR. The KPMG Legal team is composed of 26 lawyers, including 6 partners: Laura Toncescu, the coordinator of the Romanian office; Vlad Peligrad - covering litigation, arbitration, public procurement and FIDIC; Catalin Oroviceanu – covering mergers and acquisitions and commercial contracts; Nicoleta Mihai – covering insolvency, restructuring and litigation, Sebastian Olteanu – covering banking & financing and Cristiana Fernbach  covering IP, IT, technology and data protection.

KPMG is a global network of professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. KPMG operates in 153 countries and has 207.000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity.
KPMG in Romania and Moldova operates from six offices located in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Iasi, Timisoara and Chisinau.






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