Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

RTPR assisted Adrian Ionescu in sale of Adidana to RDF

30 Decembrie 2021   |   BizLawyer

The team of lawyers made of Alina Stăvaru (Partner) and Ana Maria Barbu (Senior Associate) advised on all aspects of the sale process – from structuring, due diligence, negotiation of transaction documents, to signing, assistance on the conditions precedent and closing.


RTPR assisted Adrian Ionescu, the founder of Adidana, one of the most important distributors of chemical fertilizers in the country, in relation to the sale of 100% of the company to RDF, a major supplier of agricultural products, input distribution and grain trading, a company in the Roca Investments portfolio. Founded in 1993, Adidana started as a small family business, becoming a relevant company over time, with a diverse portfolio of customers, products and services: wide range of chemical fertilizers (solid, liquid, nitrogen, granular), diesel, grain collection services from small and large farmers.

Thank you from all my heart for the assistance provided for this transaction to RTPR law firm and especially to Alina Stăvaru, who showed professionalism and reliability at the highest level”, said Adrian Ionescu, the founder of Adidana.

The team of lawyers made of Alina Stăvaru (Partner) and Ana Maria Barbu (Senior Associate) advised on all aspects of the sale process – from structuring, due diligence, negotiation of transaction documents, to signing, assistance on the conditions precedent and closing.

“We are honoured to have advised Adidana and its founder, Adrian Ionescu, throughout the sale process, and we are delighted that RDF has chosen to join their success story and take it to the next level. It is a good signal for the agriculture industry, which is definitely a key area that will continue to develop at a fast pace next year as well”, said Alina Stăvaru, RTPR Partner.

We are happy to have assisted Adidana, a company with 100% Romanian capital, which has confirmed its quality and efficiency standards over the years. We thank them for putting their trust in us throughout the collaboration”, declared Ana Maria Barbu, Senior Associate RTPR.

RTPR’s Corporate/M&A team is one of the best rated among law firms in Romania, every year being recommended by prestigious international legal directories, Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and IFLR1000. The guides rank RTPR’s Corporate/M&A practice on the top tier of their annual rankings, the lawyers’ unparalleled experience in the most sophisticated transactions on the market is recognised in individual rankings as well, with several of the team’s lawyers being recommended as Leading Lawyers for this field.

Selected M&A transactions in which RTPR have recently advised are set out below:

-        Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA) on the acquisition of a portfolio of power assets owned by CEZ Group in Romania, the largest deal in Romania in the last 12 years

-        Aegon on the sale of its operations in Romania to Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe (VIG), as part of a regional deal with a total value of EUR 830 million

-        Berg Software, a local custom software development and outsourcing company, on the sale of 100% of the company to AROBS Transilvania Software, a provider of software services and solutions for various industries

-        dual role in relation to the investment of the private equity fund Morphosis Capital in Cronos Med Group, a leader in aesthetic medicine in Romania

-        Sarmis Capital on the acquisition of a majority stake in Corporate Office Solutions (COS), the leading integrated office fit-out services provider in Romania

-        Morphosis Capital and a consortium of investors from Belgium, on the acquisition of a majority stake in EMI Equipement Maintenance Industrie, market leader in industrial access systems

-        Oresa on the acquisition of logistics and industrial park Solo Iasi from Tester Group owned by Romanian businessman Bogdan Pitigoi

-        Innova Capital on the acquisition of PayPoint Services SRL and Payzone SA, a market leading consumer payments operator in Romania, from LSE-listed PayPoint group

-        OLX group on the acquisition of Kiwi Finance, the biggest loan intermediary on the Romanian market, from Oresa Ventures

-        The founders of Keez in relation to the sale of the majority stake to Visma group, one of the largest software development companies in Romania, based in Norway

-        B + N Referencia Zrt., the largest Facility Management provider on the Hungarian market, on the acquisition of the main subsidiaries of the ISS group, the world leader in outsourcing, in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary

-        The shareholders of Te-Rox Prod, a Romanian company and a leading European producer of covers and harness systems for child safety seats on the sale of the business to the Swedish group Holmbergs







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