Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

LegiTeam | Position available: Associate, Litigation - DLA Piper

14 Octombrie 2020   |   LegiTeam

If you are looking to take a step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join a progressive global firm and be part of our success.

We are looking for a high performing, young and ambitious lawyer with 4-6 years’ post admission litigation experience and solid professional back-ground to join our dynamic litigation team in Bucharest.


As part of our litigation team in Bucharest, you will work in close collaboration with reputed practitioners and will be responsible for advising and acting for local, regional and international clients from a wide variety of activity sectors.

The successful candidate will work primarily on contentious matters, involving a variety of geographies, commodities and stages of development. Particular responsibilities will include drafting advice, pleadings, particulars, evidence and submissions; client management; court appearances and business development.

• Qualified Romanian lawyer with an excellent academic track record
• 4-6 years’ post admission litigation experience at a recognized (business) law firm
• Strong willingness to pursue a carrier in litigation and arbitration areas
• Native Romanian speaker, with excellent command of English (verbal and written)
• Experience in working for international companies is nice to have
• Well-organised, pro-active, flexible and a team player. Enthusiasm to learn and develop oneself are highly appreciated
• The ability to flourish in a dynamic, demanding yet rewarding environment.

Should you become part of our team, you will pride yourself on your exceptional command of the law (in a wide spectrum of legal matters), strong analytical and interpersonal skills, and be energised by working in a high performing team who is driven to succeed.

If you are looking to take a step up in your career and make a valued contribution, this is a fantastic opportunity for you to join a progressive global firm and be part of our success.

If you are interested in applying, please send your CV together with a brief cover letter highlighting your key achievements to date to Monica Brusalis, HR Advisor, at monica.brusalis@dlapiper.com.

DLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers located in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Our global reach ensures that we can help businesses with their legal needs anywhere in the world. We strive to be the leading global business law firm by delivering quality, service excellence and value to our clients and offering practical and innovative legal solutions to help them succeed. Our clients range from multinational, Global 1000, and Fortune 500 enterprises to emerging companies developing industry-leading technologies, as well as government and public sector bodies.
In everything we do connected with our People, our Clients and our Communities, we live by these values:
•    Be Supportive - we care about others, value diversity and act thoughtfully
•    Be Collaborative - we give, we share and we join in
•    Be Bold - we stand tall and challenge ourselves to think big
•    Be Exceptional - we exceed standards and expectations

At DLA Piper we are working hard to ensure that our talent pool is diverse. For us, diversity isn't just about visible differences, it's the unique blend of talents, skills, experiences and perspectives that makes each of us an individual.
We know it's crucial to have a culture and environment where those differences are genuinely valued and that's why we strive to be a business where everyone can thrive, develop and succeed based on their talent. Our aim is to build an inclusive and supportive culture where all our people feel they belong and can achieve their best.
We support anyone with a disability or long term health condition to ensure they have the opportunity to perform at their best.
If you have not done so already, please let us know if you require any support so we can make the right adjustments and considerations, should they be required.
We recognise that people have responsibilities and interests outside of their career and that as a business, we all benefit from working flexibly. That's why we are open to discussing with candidates the different ways in which we are able to support requests for agile working arrangements.
In the event that we make an offer to you, and where local legislation permits, we will conduct pre-engagement screening checks that may include but are not limited to your professional and academic qualifications, your eligibility to work in the relevant jurisdiction, any criminal records, your financial stability and references from previous employers.







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