Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

LegiTeam: Reff & Associates is looking for Senior Associate | Banking & Finance

30 Septembrie 2019   |   LegiTeam

Please apply with your Resume, which must contain all your major relevant projects. Candidates interested in applying for this vacancy are required to send an updated CV by e-mail to avoicu@deloittece.com.

We are looking for a senior associate to join our Banking & Finance team.


Reff & Associates is the local member of Deloitte Legal, the international network of legal practices working with Deloitte all over the world. This global network comprises of over 2,000 lawyers in 81 countries. With a team of over 70 lawyers, Reff & Associates is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania, with an aggregate of approx. EUR 1 billion deals assisted each year. The affiliation with Deloitte Legal gives Reff & Associates access to state of the art global resources and tools together with the ability to serve clients seamlessly across the world.

With a Banking & Finance practice of 8 lawyers, Reff & Associates has built an extensive track record advising on all areas of transactional banking:

1.    Financing transactional work / Borrower's side and Lenders' side: we provide assistance in financing transactions including new money financings in bilateral and syndicated loans, refinancing and loan restructurings (consensual and non-consensual).
2.    Trading of portfolios & single tickets exposures: During the last 4 years we have assisted in deals with an overall par value close to EUR 7bln. We provide a full spectrum of sell-side and buy-side services, from pre-transaction decision-making, via due diligence, structuring aspects, bids’ benchmark, transaction execution and closing to post-execution servicing.
3.    M&A involving financial sector entities: We worked on a large number of M&A transactions in the financial services sector, covering inter alia due diligence exercises on credit institutions, bank acquisition mandates, inter-bank mergers (including cross-border mergers), transfer of banking & leasing business.
4.    Debt servicing: Loans servicing arrangements: structuring advice; assistance with the design and set up of the servicing platform/service level agreements; Design and set-up of co-investment structures for sharing funding costs when acquiring an NPL portfolio, etc.
5.    Regulatory & compliance – focus on the digitalization of the industry: in addition to standard regulatory assistance (e.g. authorisation of banks and financial institutions (e-money, IFNs, payment institutions) with the National Bank of Romania), we focused our efforts in the successful deployment of digitalization initiatives (PSD2, eSignatures, etc.).


At Reff & Associates, you will enjoy a powerful local and global network, a dynamic and multicultural work environment and diverse thinking – all working in harmony to help you rise higher.

A Senior Associate in our Banking & Finance team:
•    works in cross-functional teams together with other Deloitte business lines on complex projects and for sophisticated clients;
•    works in international team of lawyers, on cross-border engagements;
•    is deeply involved in all stages of a project, from proposal development and budgeting and throughout implementation;
•    is subject to a transparent performance review & ongoing feedback;
•    coaches junior colleagues, by providing training and guidance;
•    has access to the rich (both local and global) research and training resources of the Deloitte Legal network;
•    works in a very dynamic and competitive environment, which preserves an uniquely collegial culture and strives for work-life balance (e.g. in lieu of overtime hours; Friday-Offs during summer etc.).


Assisting clients on transactional banking projects with particular focus on:

•    Transactional financing work (e.g. drafting and negotiating security documentation, drafting credit / loan facility documentation including LMA (Loan Market Association facility documentation), preparation and collection of other conditions precedent;
•    Distressed debts trading and servicing (structuring advice; drafting and negotiating portfolio assignment agreements, service level agreements etc.);
•    M&A deals involving financial sector entities (due diligence; bank acquisition assistance; transfer of lending business engagements etc.).


Send us your application if you:
•    are a member of the Bucharest Bar with full rights (avocat definitiv);
•    have 4 to 7 years’ experience in the Banking & Finance, ideally gained within an international law firm; Good knowledge of the LMA type credit facility documentation is an advantage
•    have a sound legal reasoning, thoroughness, very good legal drafting skills;
•    have Excellent writing and communication skills in English (any other foreign language is an advantage);
•    are a team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.


Please apply with your Resume, which must contain all your major relevant projects. Candidates interested in applying for this vacancy are required to send an updated CV by e-mail to avoicu@deloittece.com..







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