Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Over 2.2 million invoices issued by Electrica Furnizare to be recalculated

19 Ianuarie 2022   |   Agerpres

"Until this hour, by way of example, the economic operator Electrica Furnizare, through the report of finding the contravention, has reversed 2,232,224 invoices to which the concepts of compensation / capping from 1.11.2021 were not included, and an equal number of invoices calculated according to the legal norms in force are to be issued in mirror," the representatives of the ANPC say.

Electrica Furnizare reversed over 2.2 million invoices that did not include the compensation and capping from November 1, and will issue an equal number of new recalculated invoices, according to a press release of the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), sent on Wednesday to AGERPRES.
"Until this hour, by way of example, the economic operator Electrica Furnizare, through the report of finding the contravention, has reversed 2,232,224 invoices to which the concepts of compensation / capping from 1.11.2021 were not included, and an equal number of invoices calculated according to the legal norms in force are to be issued in mirror," the representatives of the ANPC say.
The ANPC inspectors found that the capping and compensation of the prices according to OUG no. 118/2021 starting with 01.11.2021 was not applied; the table on electricity consumption, on the company's website, does not include the daily reference consumption, the 10 pct margin included; the information on the compensation of the electricity and natural gas bills, sent to the clients, do not contain the elements of which the amount to which the compensation is applied is composed; failure to return on time the advance paid on transfer to another supplier.
ANPC also found the non-observance of the deadline to respond to the requests of the petitioners for the conclusion of the contracts for the supply of electricity and natural gas, putting the consumers in the situation of not knowing the status of the contract for a period of up to 60 days.
At the same time, the contracts issued do not contain the price of the services in the price of gas, only the total price, so that the consumer cannot verify the method of calculating the compensation granted.






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