Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

PM Citu: Ministries not having spent required money to gurantee execution shall improve in next 6 months

26 Iulie 2021   |   Agerpres

"As promised, the budget revision starts with an assessment of the budget execution for each ministry. Article 56 (1) - Until July 25, 2021, the main credit release authorities of the state budget and the National Health Insurance House for the budget of the national single social health insurance fund shall send to the Finance Ministry an assessment of the budget execution on the first six months as against the schedule for H1 established through quarterly divisions, according to the provisions of article 48 of Law No 500/2002, with the subsequent amendments and completions. (2) - Based on the assessment provided in paragraph (1), at the first budget revision of 2021 the budgets of the main credit release authorities can be adjusted with the amounts representing the difference between the H1 schedule and the budget execution on the first six months. The results of the assessment on the budget execution, analysis that is not related to the protocol, will be publicly presented. The ministries that have not spent in the first six months the money they asked for must come up with solid arguments, to provide guarantees that the budget execution shall improve in the next 6 months," Florin Citu wrote on his Facebook page.

Ministries that have not spent in the first semester the money they asked for must come up with solid arguments that the budget execution shall improve in the next 6 months, Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday.
"As promised, the budget revision starts with an assessment of the budget execution for each ministry. Article 56 (1) - Until July 25, 2021, the main credit release authorities of the state budget and the National Health Insurance House for the budget of the national single social health insurance fund shall send to the Finance Ministry an assessment of the budget execution on the first six months as against the schedule for H1 established through quarterly divisions, according to the provisions of article 48 of Law No 500/2002, with the subsequent amendments and completions. (2) - Based on the assessment provided in paragraph (1), at the first budget revision of 2021 the budgets of the main credit release authorities can be adjusted with the amounts representing the difference between the H1 schedule and the budget execution on the first six months. The results of the assessment on the budget execution, analysis that is not related to the protocol, will be publicly presented. The ministries that have not spent in the first six months the money they asked for must come up with solid arguments, to provide guarantees that the budget execution shall improve in the next 6 months," Florin Citu wrote on his Facebook page.
The budget deficit this year is the one assumed in the beginning of the year and even lower, the PM shows. 






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