Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

The Clifford Chance Badea M&A Real Estate practice is joined by a new Senior Associate

02 Septembrie 2019   |   BizLawyer

Lavinia's experience in Real Estate and Corporate M&A exceeds 12 years, having advised major clients in areas such as real estate, constructions, medical services, and retail in relation with complex deal aspects and structures from due diligence analysis to acquisitions, real estate development and management, lease of office, retail and industrial spaces, restructuring, joint ventures and other corporate-related aspects.

Clifford Chance Badea, the local office of global law firm Clifford Chance, has recruited Lavinia Dinoci as Senior Associate in the M&A Real Estate practice coordinated by Partner Nadia Badea.

Lavinia's experience in Real Estate and Corporate M&A exceeds 12 years, having advised major clients in areas such as real estate, constructions, medical services, and retail in relation with complex deal aspects and structures from due diligence analysis to acquisitions, real estate development and management, lease of office, retail and industrial spaces, restructuring, joint ventures and other corporate-related aspects. 

Her portfolio includes landmark projects such as:

•    Advising Dedeman, the largest Romanian entrepreneurial company with a turnover exceeding EUR 1 billion, and one of the largest players in the European DIY market, in relation with recent office projects acquisitions - The Office in Cluj-Napoca from NEPI Rockcastle and entrepreneur Ovidiu Șandor, which has been considered the largest transaction outside Bucharest according to market data, and The Bridge in Bucharest from Forte Partners, listed by the media as the most important Real Estate transaction of 2018;

•    Advising the WDP group, one of the most important Belgian developers and owners of industrial properties, in connection with the acquisition of two large logistics parks in Romania - Dunca Logistics Center in Timisoara and CTPark Cluj I in Cluj;
•    Advising one of the most important real estate investors on the Romanian market in relation with the acquisition and operation of office and retail real estate projects, with a total value currently exceeding EUR 700 million;
•    Advising a top private medical services provider in relation with the expansion of its Romanian network;
•    Advising an important French-based DIY group in consolidating its position on the Romanian market.

Lavinia is a Faculty of Law - University of Bucharest graduate and has a LL.M from the same university. She has also completed the first stage in the International Business Law program with the University of London, currently attending courses for completing the LL.M within the program. She has been a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2007.   

''Lavinia is a talented lawyer with an extensive experience in one of our key practices - Real Estate'',
Nadia Badea, Clifford Chance Partner, said. ''Considering the highly dynamic and competitive transactional context of this industry, the value of the legal assistance we provide to clients is guaranteed by the contribution of each lawyer in our team. We are glad that Lavinia has decided to join us, she will certainly have an important contribution on the projects we are working on''.

''I have decided to begin a new career stage with Clifford Chance, on the background of my previous work experience and considering the opportunity of an international career, in one of the largest global law firms. I want to contribute to the development of the Real Estate and Corporate M&A practice, and at the same time, to discover new professional challenges in view of the firm's resources and reputation at international level”, Lavinia Dinoci added.

The M&A and Real Estate portfolio of Clifford Chance Badea includes some of the most important local and regional deals, as the firm provides sell-side or buy-side advisory to multinationals, investment funds and global
financial institutions. The firm is often the preferred legal advisor of the most important private equity investment funds active in Romania and in the region.

Milestone M&A projects recently advised by Clifford Chance Badea include:

•    Advising CA Immo in relation to the acquisition of Campus 6.1 office building in Bucharest from Skanska, a deal valued at EUR 53 million;
•    Advising a leading European real estate institutional investor on the envisaged disposal of its retail and office assets in Romania;
•    Advising China Investment Corporation on the acquisition of pan-European logistics operator Logicor from American fund Blackstone;
•    Advising NE Property in relation with the implementation of the EUR 1.5 billion Guaranteed Euro Medium Term Programme guaranteed by NEPI Rockcastle plc, as well as in relation to the launching of the EUR 500 million bonds issue under the programme;
•    Advising Globalworth on the listing of its EUR 550 million Eurobond issue on the Bucharest and the Irish stock exchanges, in July 2017, and in relation to a similar transaction in May 2018 – a second EUR 550 million corporate bonds issues – the largest such listings in BSE's history;
•    Advising NEPI in relation to the merger of NEPI and Rockcastle investment funds, which resulted into the largest real estate company in Central and Eastern Europe and one of the largest in Continental Europe;
•    Advising CBRE Global Investors in relation to the sale of a retail portfolio including 11 locations in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania;
•    Advising one of the largest hypermarket operators in the world operating around 300 units in Romania on real estate matters regarding the expansion of its retail network in Romania.







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