Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

INS: Maritime freight transport, down 4.9% in first half of 2020

20 Septembrie 2020   |   Agerpres

The ports where the most intense activity took place in H1, 2020 are: Constanta, with a share of 88.5% and Midia with a share of 5.3%. During H2, 2020, the most significant shares were registered by the port of Constanta, with 83.9% and Midia with 9.3%.

Maritime port freight recorded a decrease of 4.9% in the first half of 2020 compared to the similar period of 2019, in the context in which there was an increase of 10.7% in goods loaded and a decrease of 17.7% in those unloaded, according to data centralized by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
Goods loaded and unloaded in ports where seagoing vessels are operated totaled 23.099 million tonnes in the first half-year, of which 10.934 million tonnes in the second half. Container transportation amounted to 310,000 TEU in the first half of 2020 and 149,000 TEU in the second half.
The ports where the most intense activity took place in H1, 2020 are: Constanta, with a share of 88.5% and Midia with a share of 5.3%. During H2, 2020, the most significant shares were registered by the port of Constanta, with 83.9% and Midia with 9.3%.
During the analyzed period, the type of solid bulk cargo was predominantly transported, which amounted to 13.543 million tonnes in the first half and 6.559 million tons in the second half.
At the level of the first half of 2020, the most significant quantities loaded were: agricultural, hunting and forestry products; 67.8% of fish and other fishery products. As regards unloaded goods, the share was held by coal and lignite, crude oil and natural gas, of 34.8%, respectively.
In the port of Constanta, the most significant quantities of goods loaded in the first half of 2020 were agricultural, hunting and forestry products; 69.7% of fish and other fishery products. Of the unloaded goods, the largest share was held by coal and lignite, crude oil and natural gas, of 33%.
According to the INS, in the European context, the statistical data published by the European Commission - Eurostat, at the level of H1, 2019, presents Romania on the 18th place among the EU states which, according to the legislation, report data on maritime transport.






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