Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

MPR Partners is member of the National Council for Digital Transformation

06 Noiembrie 2020   |   BizLawyer

The MPR Partners dedicated team to be involved in CNTD´s activities shall be led by Alina Popescu, Founding Partner of the firm and head of the technology law practice group, alongside Cristina Crețu, Senior Privacy and Technology Consultant and co-head of the firm’s telecommunications and data privacy practice groups.

MPR Partners | Maravela, Popescu & Asociații has been selected out of over 600 applicants as a member of the National Council for Digital Transformation, consultative body aiming to link civil society and the Authority for the Digitalization of Romania (ADR) with regards to Romania´s digital transformation. 

ADR is the state authority holding the main role in Romania´s digital transformation, which will be handling amongst others the implementation of digital flows in the respective activities of Romanian public institutions.

The National Council for Digital Transformation (CNTD) was conceived as a digital agora purported to contribute to Romania´s technological, economic and social development. CNTD´s activity is meant to support and facilitate ADR´s activity in order to achieve its goals. CNTD shall be organized in themed work groups, currently encompassing Interoperability, Governmental Cloud, Electronic identity, Digital transformation, AI and Big data, Digital abilities and Electronic invoicing. CNTD´s launch event took place at the end of October.

We are thrilled to be part of CNTD and we look forward to actively contribute to the achievement of its long awaited and much needed goals, which should greatly benefit not only the Romanian public sector, but also individuals and businesses present in Romania.¨ declared Alina Popescu, Founding Partner of MPR Partners.

The MPR Partners dedicated team to be involved in CNTD´s activities shall be led by Alina Popescu, Founding Partner of the firm and head of the technology law practice group, alongside Cristina Crețu, Senior Privacy and Technology Consultant and co-head of the firm’s telecommunications and data privacy practice groups. The team shall include attorneys specialising in all relevant practice areas, such as technology and telecommunications law, intellectual property, data privacy, administrative law, etc. Daniel Alexie, Managing Associate, Flavia Ștefura, Senior Associate and Laura Dinu, Associate will handle the day-to-day management of the relevant matters.

Further details about ADR and CNTD are available at https://www.adr.gov.ro/ and further information about MPR Partners | Maravela, Popescu & Asociații and its practice groups is available at http://www.mprpartners.com







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