Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Law firm CMS Romania to relocate to One Tower office building

10 August 2021   |   BizLawyer

The relocation of CMS Romania to One Tower will take place in the first quarter of 2022.

Horea Popescu (left), Managing Partner of CMS Romania and Mihai Păduroiu, CEO of Office Division One United Properties

Real estate developer One United Properties announces that CMS Romania will be among the companies based in the One Tower office building.

One Tower is a class A office building which is part of the multifunctional project One Floreasca City, one of the largest urban regeneration projects in the central area of Bucharest. The office building is one of the first green buildings in Romania and is situated in an exclusive area of Bucharest offering access to numerous facilities. The relocation of CMS Romania to One Tower will take place in the first quarter of 2022. CMS Romania will occupy one-and-a-half floors on a seven-year lease.

“We are delighted that CMS Romania has chosen to relocate to One Tower, where it will have direct access to two parks, restaurants and the Floreasca commercial area. We believe that this type of modern, certified and accessible work environment with various integrated facilities will further benefit team wellbeing and development,” comments Mihai Păduroiu, CEO of Office Division One United Properties.

“After 15 years in our previous workspace, the decision to move our Romanian headquarters to a green office building comes as a natural next step in our commitment to protecting the environment and aligns with CMS’s “future facing” strategy and values. The strengths of the new space are important to us and we value its superior sustainability certifications, energy efficiency and excellent location. The new CMS Romania headquarters will have several conference rooms, numerous facilities for organising events  with our customers and business partners, as well as proximity and flexibility in terms of transport links. We believe that it will be the ideal space for our team of lawyers and tax consultants, both from a functional and wellbeing point of view,” comments Horea Popescu, Managing Partner of CMS Romania.

One Tower office building has the most advanced LEED pre-certification on the Romanian market, LEED v4 Core & Shell at Platinum level and is ready to be WELL HEALTH AND SAFETY certified. With its excellent location, it offers quick access to parks, restaurants, cafes, and shops in Floreasca area. At the same time, the building was designed with increased attention to details in order to create a welcoming and comfortable working environment for employees, with modern, bright spaces integrating the latest technologies, with high-performance heating and ventilation systems, as well as generous terraces and spectacular views.
Other companies will move their headquarters to One Tower this summer, including McCann Worldgroup Romania, the real estate consulting company CBRE, Sanador and Element group.

CMS - Founded in 1999, CMS is an integrated, multi-jurisdictional organisation of law firms that offers full-service legal and tax advice. With more than 70 offices in over 40 countries across the world and more than 5,000 lawyers, CMS has long-standing expertise both in advising in its local jurisdictions and across borders. From major multinationals and mid-caps to enterprising start-ups, CMS provides the technical rigour, strategic excellence, and long-term partnership to keep each client ahead in its chosen markets. The CMS member firms provide a wide range of expertise across 19 practice areas and sectors, including Corporate/M&A, Energy & Climate Change, Infrastructure & Projects, Funds, Life Sciences & Healthcare, TMC, Tax, Banking & Finance, Commercial, Competition & EU, Dispute Resolution, Employment & Pensions, Intellectual Property and Real Estate.

ONE UNITED PROPERTIES is one of the leading green developers of residential, mixed use and office real estate, in Bucharest, Romania. One United Properties is an innovative company dedicated to accelerating the adoption of construction practices for energy- efficient, sustainable, and healthy buildings. All the company’s buildings have superior certifications for sustainability, energy efficiency and wellness, and the developer has been awarded at numerous galas and conferences in the field. One United Properties is the first real estate developer in Romania to be internationally awarded, being the recipient of the “Best Sustainable Residential Development” in the world at International Property Awards 2019-2020. The company is listed on the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, with the symbol ONE.






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