Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Romania could benefit from almost 1 billion euros in European funds for hydrogen

05 Iulie 2021   |   Agerpres

"We have two very important lines of funding to promote hydrogen as a green source and a vector of transition to a cleaner economy," she said.

Romania could benefit from almost one billion euros in European funds for projects related to the production, transport and use of hydrogen, Corina Atanasiu, Secretary of State with the Ministry of Investments and European Projects (MIPE) told a press conference on Monday.
"We have two very important lines of funding to promote hydrogen as a green source and a vector of transition to a cleaner economy," she said.
These are, first of all, cohesion funds estimated at 236 million euros for the period 2021-2027.
"This is for increasing the capacity of the national gas transmission system to be expanded and adjusted to the use of hydrogen mixed with gas. At the same time, the funds can be used to increase the capacity of the gas distribution network, in the same sense. For now this programme is only a draft, but it contributes to the objectives of the next budget year, i.e. a greener economy, without emissions, a circular economy, adjustment to climate change," said Atanasiu.
The potential beneficiaries of this financing line will be Transgaz and the distribution network operators.
At the same time, Romania can benefit from 713 billion euros for hydrogen through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
"This is Pillar I, which refers to the green transition. The money from this fund could go to the development of gas infrastructure in combination with hydrogen, as well as the development of integrated demonstration projects in the green hydrogen sector, for research and development of the sector, for projects which vertically integrate several industries, in order to reach a high degree of decarbonization with the help of hydrogen," the official told the press conference "Romania-Netherlands, opportunities for collaboration in the field of hydrogen."
The European Commission could approve Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) in early autumn, and at that time the country will receive the first tranche of 13pct of the amount, as announced last week by Marius Vasiliu, Secretary of State with the Ministry of Investments and European Projects (MIPE). 






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