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Clifford Chance Badea consolidates its M&A Real Estate practice with Andrei Caloian re-joining as Senior Associate

03 Februarie 2020   |   BizLawyer

The M&A and Real Estate portfolio of Clifford Chance Badea includes some of the most important local and regional deals, as the firm provides sell-side or buy-side advisory to multinationals, investment funds and global financial institutions.

Andrei Caloian has re-joined the Clifford Chance Badea M&A and Real Estate practice coordinated by Partner Nadia Badea, as Senior Associate.

With almost 9 years of experience in business law, Andrei specializes in Corporate M&A, having advised over time international and local clients in industries such as oil and gas, agriculture, waste management, pharmaceutical and telecom, in relation with complex mergers and acquisitions transactions, as well as joint ventures.

His portfolio includes landmark projects such as:

•    Advising Brisegroup, one of the most important cereal traders in Romania, in relation with the creation of a joint venture with the China Central and Eastern Europe Investment Cooperation Fund, with the purpose of investing in the modernization and development of 15 grain silos and logistic hubs of the Brise group;

•    Advising CANAL + group in relation with the acquisition of the M7 group, one of the largest pay-TV operators in Europe, active in Romania as well, through Focus Sat;
•    Advising the shareholders of Promat Comimpex and Agroind Cauaceu, two of the largest agribusiness companies in Romania, in relation with the sale of minority interests to Ameropa, a major distributor of fertilizers for agriculture, seeds and pesticides;
•    Advising Stada Arzneimittel, a company active in the market of pharmaceutical products, in relation with the acquisition of Walmark Group, a major manufacturer of health care products in Central Europe, also operating locally through Walmark Romania, from Mid Europa Partners (the deal is subject to merger clearance).

''Andrei has made an important contribution to our projects from the beginning. We are glad that he chose to return with us after almost 2 years," Nadia Badea, Clifford Chance Partner and head of the Bucharest M&A Real Estate Practice, said. "In 2020 we expect many interesting transactions for us and the clients we work with frequently. Enlarging our team is part of our constant commitment to be close to our clients and help them successfully finalize deals and reach the objectives they have set up”.

"I enthusiastically re-join the Clifford Chance team, where I have built the pillars of resistance for my career, and I also bring the confidence that the experience I have gained in the meantime will help me generate value for the team as a whole and for the clients we advise,” Andrei Caloian added.

The M&A and Real Estate portfolio of Clifford Chance Badea includes some of the most important local and regional deals, as the firm provides sell-side or buy-side advisory to multinationals, investment funds and global financial institutions. The firm is often the preferred legal advisor of the most important private equity investment funds active in Romania and in the region.

At the end of last year, Clifford Chance was recognized as the Central & Eastern European M&A Legal Adviser of the Year at Mergermarket's annual European M&A Awards, which validated the performance of the Clifford Chance offices in Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic from where the firm also covers Slovakia.

Separately, Chambers Europe 2019 has ranked Clifford Chance as a Tier 1 firm in Corporate/M&A, as well as Banking & Finance in Central & Eastern Europe.

Currently, Clifford Chance Badea provides assistance on several highly profile confidential transactions for the Romanian and regional markets.

Milestone M&A projects recently advised by Clifford Chance Badea include:

•    Advising French-based investment fund AEW in connection with the sale of its Romanian portfolio to the real estate investment division of Morgan Stanley in association with a group of Israeli investors highly active on the real estate market, represented by David Hay and, respectively, Indotek Group, one of the largest Hungarian investment groups. The transaction included America House, a landmark A-class office building in Bucharest (acquired by Morgan Stanley together with the Israelian real estate investors), and the Promenada Mall Târgu Mureș (acquired by Indotek Group);
•    Advising the German-based REWE / DerTour group with retail and tourism activities, in relation to the acquisition of the travel agency arm of Eurolines Romania;
•    Advising the private equity fund Abris Capital Partners in the acquisition of a majority stake in Global Technical Group, the leading end-to-end solution provider for building management and security integrator in Romania;
•    Advising First Bank, owned by US-based investment fund J.C. Flowers & Co., in relation to its acquisition of Leumi Bank Romania;
•    Advising private equity fund Abris Capital Partners on the sale of courier company Urgent Cargus to Mid Europa Partners;
•    Advising Czech Media Invest (CMI) throughout the acquisition of the CEE radio assets of multinational media conglomerate Lagardère Group;
•    Advising BNP Paribas Leasing in the acquisition of shares in two Romanian companies from German-based group IKB that is exiting the local market;
•    Advising CA Immo in relation to the acquisition of Campus 6.1 office building in Bucharest from Skanska, a deal valued at EUR 53 million;
•    Advising J.C. Flowers & Co. in relation to the acquisition of Piraeus Bank Romania by funds advised by J.C. Flowers & Co., a deal marking the American investor's entry on the local market;
•    Advising the independent European private equity firm Vitruvian Partners in relation to its acquisition of a 30% stake in BitDefender, a leading global cyber security technology company.






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