Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

RTPR Allen & Overy bolsters its team with two Real Estate lawyers

03 Octombrie 2019   |   BizLawyer

The team currently consists of eight specialists and is coordinated by Alexandru Retevoescu - Partner and Ianita Țui - Counsel.

RTPR Allen & Overy announces the recruitment of two new colleagues in the Real Estate department: Ana Maria Nacea - Managing Associate and Miruna Enache - Associate. The team currently consists of eight specialists and is coordinated by Alexandru Retevoescu - Partner and Ianita Țui - Counsel.

"We are preparing for a strong year-end in the Real Estate area, which is why we welcome our two new colleagues whose broad experience matches our meticulous and rigorous profile. We are a multidisciplinary team that ensures an integrated practice, especially as we work closely with our Banking & Finance, Litigation and M&A departments on projects that require a broader approach. Last but not least, we benefit from Allen & Overy’s invaluable know-how from across the network, while in our turn we contribute to large multi-jurisdictional projects”- Alexandru Retevoescu.

Ana Maria Nacea has almost 8 years of experience in business law, specialising in real estate development (greenfield and brownfield projects), planning and transactions, commercial lease agreements (office, retail, logistics), construction and urbanism law, international construction arbitration, commercial and corporate law. Ana Maria Nacea has been involved in high-profile transactions on the market, advising investors, investment funds, developers, entrepreneurs involved in wide investment in Romania, ranging from residential to large retail projects.

Miruna Enache specialises in real estate and construction, agribusiness, energy, infrastructure and regulation. In recent years, she has gathered extensive experience in landmark transactions in Central and Eastern Europe and has advised on many residential, office and retail projects developed in Romania and in the region.

A selection of transactions in the real estate sector where RTPR Allen & Overy has recently provided advice:
•    ING Tech, the global software development hub of the ING group, on the lease of an office space with an area of 13,000 sqm for the new headquarters of the company
•    Prime Kapital on the sale of a real estate portfolio consisting of nine retail centres with a total surface of 67,959 square meters to MAS Real Estate for a price of EUR112.97m
•    Prime Kapital on the acquisition of a shopping mall in the west side of Romania
•    Regus, the biggest, most well-known and active provider of serviced business offices on Romanian market for their exclusive locations in Bucharest, on negotiations of lease agreements with seven different developers (Anchor Group, Skanska, Unirii View, Dorobanti Offices, Portland Trust Developments, Sun Plaza, Tiriac) for their expansion in new offices in top locations in Bucharest for an aggregate of approximately 17,100 sqm of gross lettable area
•    A major real estate developer on a pre-due diligence for the purpose of sale of two of its development projects
•    Mitiska REIM on the acquisition of a property located in Brasov, where a retail store is located
•    Ruukki Romania, a member of the Swedish group SSAB, on the sale of its factory in Bolintin-Deal to Peikko Group Corporation, a Finnish company supplier of slim floor structures and connection technology for precast
•    EBRD and ING Bank N.V. Amsterdam - Bucharest Branch on a EUR96m financing for CTPark Bucharest Logistics Park located on the A1 Bucharest-Pitesti motorway and owned by CTP Group, one of the most active investors in industrial and logistics spaces in Romania
•    Raiffeisen Bank International AG and Raiffeisen Bank SA (Romania) on a financing of up to EUR49.4m granted to a Romanian subsidiary of CTP Group for the development of a logistic park near Bucharest, Romania
•    Raiffeisen Bank SA (Romania) on the restructuring of a financing of up to EUR16.2m and extension of a new financing of up to EUR7.6m to the Romanian real estate developer, CTP Group, for the development of a logistic park near Cluj Napoca
•    BRD – Groupe Société Générale S.A. and Komerční banka, a.s. on a EUR47.6m financing granted to CTPark Gamma S.R.L., part of CTP Group, one of the most active investors in industrial and logistics spaces in Romania, for the development of two industrial buildings in the proximity of Bucharest
•    Warehouse Services in respect of a potential complex acquisition and lease back transaction with an important player in the tyres industry
•    A leading producer of tubes on the acquisition of a piece of land, including a railroad
•    A bidder on the potential acquisition of a factory of hygiene and personal care products in Romania (ongoing)







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