Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

CMS Romania promotes Andrei Tercu to Tax Director

18 Ianuarie 2021   |   BizLawyer

Andrei is a tax advisor, member of the Romanian Chamber of Certified Tax Consultants and a fiscal court expert approved by the Romanian Ministry of Justice.

CMS Romania is pleased to announce that Andrei Tercu has been promoted to Tax Director as of January 2021. Andrei joined the CMS team 5 years ago and has 13 years’ professional experience in the tax field, previously working with a Big 4 firm and with another specialist consulting company.

Horea Popescu, Managing Partner of CMS Romania and Head of CEE Corporate M&A said: “The decision to promote Andrei to Tax Director is confirmation of the results and his involvement in consolidating and developing CMS’s client portfolio and successfully coordinating projects of great complexity in many industrial sectors. Tax consulting remains a key service in the daily operational activity of each business as well as in investment projects, corporate reorganisations and restructurings, acquisition transactions, divestment processes, and tax litigation. I wish the best of success to Andrei and I am convinced that from this senior role, he will achieve new growth and development objectives in the CMS team.”

Roxana Popel, Head of the Tax practice in CMS Romania added: “Congratulations to Andrei on this promotion. I have been working with him for more than five years and together we have managed to develop and diversify the portfolio of the tax consulting practice. By anticipating clients’ needs and responding to a high degree of sophistication with tax advice, Andrei is constantly contributing to the growth of our tax practice.”

Andrei Tercu said: “Being entrusted with this new role is an important moment in my career. I am delighted to be part of a team that promotes high human and professional standards and values. Along with the extraordinary team of lawyers at CMS, I had the opportunity to be involved in some of the most complex and varied projects and transactions both in Romania and in the broader CEE region. The CMS team in Bucharest offers an integrated legal and tax consulting service, therefore we are able to respond quickly to client requests and requirements imposed by the degree of complexity of the projects in which they are involved.”

Andrei is a tax advisor, member of the Romanian Chamber of Certified Tax Consultants and a fiscal court expert approved by the Romanian Ministry of Justice. In recent years, Andrei has been involved in acquisition and post-acquisition integration transactions, coordinated various reorganisation and restructuring projects, and has provided assistance in tax inspections and litigation, especially in the fields of energy and utilities, consumer goods and IT&C.







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