Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

RTPR advises founders on Qualitance sale

29 Septembrie 2022   |   BizLawyer

The RTPR mandate covered legal assistance in relation to all phases of the transaction.

RTPR has advised the founders of Qualitance, Radu Constantinescu and Ioan Iacob, in relation to the sale of the company to Alten, a French technology and innovation consultancy and services group, with international operations in 30 countries. Qualitance is an international tech and innovation company founded in Romania, that builds digital products and businesses for global organisations and start-ups. Completion of the transaction is subject to approval by the Competition Council and other conditions precedent agreed by the parties.

The experience of a transaction brings a high level of complexity in each stage, and the partners which assist and support you throughout the deal have a critical role in solving this complexity. We found in the RTPR team not only an impeccable professionalism, but also the empathy that any entrepreneur needs to make this step forward with confidence”, declared Radu Constantinescu, CEO & Co-founder of Qualitance.

RTPR involved in this transaction a team made of Alina Stavaru (Partner) and Cezara Urzica (Managing Associate). The RTPR mandate covered legal assistance in relation to all phases of the transaction.

“We are happy to announce a new transaction in which we assisted Romanian entrepreneurs in the sale of a successful business, built with passion and dedication for 15 years. A new solid business, started and developed in Romania, has found an international partner with whom it will continue to grow to the next level. We are honoured to have contributed our experience to the realisation of this mandate”, said Alina Stavaru.

We would like to thank our clients for their trust and excellent collaboration. We are sure that the Qualitance team will continue with great results in the new formula together with specialists such as the Alten group. Good luck in all future projects!”, declared Cezara Urzica.

With an impressive number of M&A transactions signed, 20 deals in 2021 and 18 deals from the beginning of 2022, RTPR is one of the market leaders in this field. The law firm has a wide range of clients that include entrepreneurs, private equity funds, local and international companies from various sectors, and is at the forefront of M&A deals, every year acting both sell-side and buy-side in many mandates, among the most complex and sophisticated. The most significant international legal directories Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and IFLR1000 rank the law firm in first tier in their rankings, and several of the team’s lawyers are recommended as Leading Lawyers in individual rankings in this field.

Selected M&A transactions in which RTPR have recently assisted entrepreneurs include advising:

-        Jean Valvis on the strategic agreement between AQUA Carpatica, the premium Romanian spring water owned by Carpathian Springs SA company, and the American corporation PepsiCo for a 20 percent equity stake in AQUA Carpatica

-        Autonom Services, the most important independent player on the operational leasing and rent-a-car markets in Romania, on the acquisition of Premium Leasing, the operational leasing business of Tiriac Group

-        The shareholders of Cronos Med Group, leader in aesthetic medicine in Romania, on the investment of the private equity fund Morphosis Capital

-        AROBS Transilvania Software, an important Romanian company that provides software services and solutions in various industries, on the acquisition of Enea Services Romania SRL, the software development services business of the Swedish group Enea AB

-        The shareholders of Berg Software, a local software outsourcing and custom software development company, on the sale of 100% of the company to AROBS Transilvania Software, a provider of software services and solutions for various industries

-        Adrian Ionescu, the founder of Adidana, one of the most important distributors of chemical fertilizers in the country, on the sale of 100% of the company to RDF, a major supplier of agricultural products, input distribution and grain trading, a company in the Roca Investments portfolio

-        The founders of Keez on the sale of the majority stake to Visma group, one of the largest software development companies in Romania, based in Norway

-        123FormBuilder and its shareholders, Catalyst Romania, Florin Cornianu and Adrian Gheara, in relation to the investment of 212, a venture capital fund specialised in tech companies

-        The shareholders of Te-Rox Prod, a Romanian company and a leading European producer of covers and harness systems for child safety seats on the sale of the business to the Swedish group Holmbergs

-        The shareholders of Sano Vita, one of the most reputable and trusted food brands in Romania, on the sale of the business to the American private equity fund Highlander Partners







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