Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

SIMION & BACIU wins the Trademark Firm of the Year for Romania award at the Global IP Awards 2022

22 Septembrie 2022   |   BizLawyer

This prestigious award reconfirms the strong position of SIMION & BACIU as one of the most reputable trademark firms active on the Romanian market, with the firm obtaining outstanding accolades throughout the year from highly regarded independent observers.

Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner - SIMION & BACIU

SIMION & BACIU is proud to announce that it is the winner of the Trademark Firm of the Year for Romania distinction, presented by IAM and World Trademark Review (WTR) during the Global IP Awards ceremony organized on 15 September 2022, in London.

This prestigious award reconfirms the strong position of SIMION & BACIU as one of the most reputable trademark firms active on the Romanian market, with the firm obtaining outstanding accolades throughout the year from highly regarded independent observers.

At its 3rd edition, the Global IP Awards gala recognizes, according to the organizers, the outstanding achievements of law firms in litigation, prosecution and transactional work during 2021/2022. In total, 143 distinctions were awarded to leading professionals active in the intellectual property field, highlighting the depth and spread of IP expertise across the globe. The final list reflects the collective conclusions of a set of highly experienced individuals, with deep links in both the corporate and legal IP worlds.

Present at the awards ceremony, Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner stated: It is with great pleasure that I accept this prestigious award on behalf of the team at SIMION & BACIU. This is another confirmation of our sterling reputation in the intellectual property field. I am grateful to our wonderful team, whose combined skills and commitment made this recognition possible. Our lawyers and IP counsellors stand out through an exceptionally well-balanced mix of diligence, personalized client service and commercial mindset and I believe that these are the qualities that this award celebrates”.

SIMION & BACIU boasts one of the most distinguished and highly regarded intellectual property practices active in Romania, with its team offering market-leading IP legal services across the board.

Highlights of the client work that supported the decision of the Global IP Awards organizers to acknowledge SIMION & BACIU as the Trademark Firm of the Year for Romania include our assistance and representation of market shaping companies and their trend setting brands in highly sensitive cases that define the domestic jurisprudence in such matters. Examples include our assistance to:

•    one of the world’s leading ball bearings manufacturers in connection with a large volume seizure of ball bearings performed by the Romanian Customs. The matter received a first successful result before the Bucharest Tribunal, thus accomplishing the first step in defending our client’s IP rights.
•    one of the world’s most reputable player in the automotive field, in a conflict raised following the attempt by another entity also doing business on the Romanian market to register a similar brand. Our team obtained a successive favorable decision from the Romanian courts attesting to the reputation and well – know status of one of our client’s main brands on this market.
•    one of the biggest manufacturers of radio and security electrical equipment for military and commercial use, and a company active in the field of research and development of radio relay equipment, antenna units and systems, water and wastewater treatment plants and photovoltaic systems production and different consumer goods, in connection with several disputes having as object the validity of the client’s international trademarks in our jurisdiction.
•    a security software company active in multiple jurisdictions in relation to the clearance, prosecution and administration of its worldwide trademark portfolio.
•    a reputed fashion icon active in the field of luxury goods in preparing its strategy against a third party that is unlawfully using the client’s house brand for different goods, both within and outside the European Union.

Andreea Bende, Partner at SIMION & BACIU mentioned: ”This prestigious award reflects the results of our continuous dedication to excellence in the field of trademarks. Its honoring to be acknowledged Trademark Firm of the Year in Romania. This status comes with a huge level of satisfaction but also with challenges. Our commitment is to continue to show the same level of commitment to our work, to innovate and to stay ahead of the curve. A big thank you to our clients for the trust they placed in us continuously.”

The Trademark Firm of the Year for Romania distinction complements the performance of SIMION & BACIU and its team members in the context of the 2022 research conducted by IAM and WTR, where:

→     The firm is ranked GOLD, the highest distinction and received top honours in WTR1000s Firms rankings for Enforcement and litigation and Prosecution and strategy chapters for Romania
→     Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner and Andreea Bende, Partner, are ranked GOLD and Cosmina Maria Simion, Managing Partner is ranked SILVER in the same evaluation
→     Also, Ana-Maria Baciu is recognized among the WTR Global Leaders (Private Practice)

Moreover, this highly regarded award continues the sting of recognitions received by SIMION & BACIU during 2022, which include:
→     Winner of the much-coveted Romanian Firm of the Year award by Managing IP, for the second consecutive year (2022 and 2021)
  →    One of only 2 firms included in TIER 1 for Intellectual Property by Legal 500 (Legalease)
  →    Ranked TIER 1 and acknowledged as a Top Tier Firm for Trademark contentious and Trademark prosecution and Recommended for Copyright and other related rights by IP Stars/Managing IP; SIMION & BACIU continues to be the only law firm active in Romania that is included in the highest category for both trademark contentious and trademark prosecution by this leading specialist guide to intellectual property firms and practitioners worldwide
→     Recognized in the Intellectual Property & TMT section of Chambers and Partners rankings for Romania

The complete list of winners of the Global IP Awards 2022 presented by IAM and WTR is available here.

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