Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații Appoints Six New Partners in Latest Round of Promotions

23 Decembrie 2021   |   BizLawyer

Further to the latest promotions round, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații now counts 35 Partners, this being the largest number of Partners in a law firm in Romania.

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații has announced six new Partner promotions, effective 1 January 2022.

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații is strengthening its partnership with the appointment of six Partners, while five other lawyers were promoted to key roles such as of Managing Associate and Senior Associate. These promotions are instrumental to support important growth areas of the firm, such as dispute resolution, labour & employment, competition & State aid, real estate and finance & banking. It is also an indication of the remarkable results of Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații’s team of lawyers especially in these challenging times.
The firm’s new Partners are Mihai Anghel, Oana Gavril, Cătălina Mihăilescu, Andreea Oprișan, Alexandra Pereș, Alina Ungureanu.

Also Raluca Chelaru and Sergiu Negreanu were promoted to Managing Associate. And Alin Ionescu, Marius Stanciu and Angelica Pintilie became Senior Associates.

“We’ve been through the hardest year in our law firm’s history, but it ended with the greatest outcome - our fellow partner Robert Roșu was acquitted and released. This revitalised us, it reminded us that solidarity, cohesion and team spirit, the virtues we believe in the most, are the key to success. These year’s promotions are not only a well-deserved confirmation of our colleagues’ professionalism, but also the best expression of our faith in these virtues”., said Florentin Țuca, Managing Partner of Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații.

Further to the latest promotions round, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații now counts 35 Partners, this being the largest number of Partners in a law firm in Romania.

Mihai Anghel is a Partner with Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații’s employment practice group. Mihai has over 17 years of professional experience in employment and labour law, providing legal advice to companies from various industries, such as FMCG, pharma, transports, IT&C, real estate, financial services, telecommunications, etc. He acquired solid and extensive experience in all relevant employment and labour related matters, ranging from hiring and firing, discrimination and harassment, performance appraisals, remuneration and benefits, to union issues and collective bargaining agreements, cross border transfer of undertakings, immigration matters, cross-border secondments, etc.

Oana Gavril is a Partner in the litigation and arbitration practice group at Ţuca Zbârcea & Asociaţii. She has an extensive experience in complex litigation in legal areas such as administrative and fiscal law, labour and civil law, including matters of real estate and matters of corporate law. For the past 14 years, Oana has conducted numerous disputes concerning the annulment of tax decisions, disputes on determining and sanctioning the irregularities in accessing and using of European funds and/or of national public funds afferent thereof, as well as litigation cases on challenging the building permits/ Zonal Urban Plans and the challenging of various dismissal decisions, and cases regarding enforcement procedures and contractual or tort lability. In addition, Oana was involved in complex international arbitral proceedings.

Cătălina Mihăilescu is a Partner specialised in insolvency and liquidation, civil and commercial litigation, acting as a pleading lawyer before Romanian courts of all levels of jurisdiction. Cătălina is highly skilled in providing legal assistance and representation concerning complex corporate restructuring and reorganisation of companies through court procedures or out of court negotiations, including complex debt restructuring/debt recovery projects. Cătălina’s 20 years of broad expertise includes civil and commercial disputes and enforcement proceedings, having represented foreign and local clients throughout all stages of pre insolvency and insolvency procedures. She is a co-author of the book – “Bankruptcy and Liquidation” (Universul Juridic, 2015).

Andreea Oprișan is a Partner with Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații’s competition group, with 15 years of legal practice. Andreea combines legal and economic competition law tools in view of supporting clients’ projects and handling the full-range of competition law issues from antitrust and compliance matters to merger control and state aid. Other areas in which Andreea advises clients on a day-to-day basis include consumer protection, advertising, unfair competition practices, commercial/contract law. Andreea’s expertise covers a wide area of economic sectors including FMCG, agriculture, automotive, insurance, banking, energy, oil & gas, services, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, healthcare, distribution and logistics, retail, IT&C, media and advertising, etc.

Alexandra Pereș, Partner, specialises in the areas of real estate, mergers and acquisitions, corporate and commercial, banking and finance. She is a highly skilled real estate lawyer, with a particular focus on construction and urbanism, retail, office, energy sector. As part of her 15 years’ experience she has been involved in major projects on the Romanian market, coordinating mergers and acquisition projects, restructuring of debts and receivables and negotiation of afferent guarantees and advising on matters related to construction and urbanism, implementation of various real estate projects, structuring of real estate transactions and the associated financing process, commercial leasing and property management, as well as on various non-contentious aspects of real estate and construction related projects.

Alina Ungureanu, Partner, has a PhD in civil procedure law and over 18 years of practice in commercial litigation, domestic and international arbitration. She has an extensive experience in judicial proceedings related to the enforcement phase, including the recognition and enforcement in Romania of court decisions or arbitration awards issued by international courts. Furthermore, she has been involved in insolvency, reorganisation, and bankruptcy proceedings as a Member of the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners in Romania since 2008. Alina has also conducted complex dispute resolution cases in a variety of fields, from real estate and construction rights to insurance law litigation, representing some of the leading insurers on the market or in the field of railway infrastructure. She has experience in legislative proposals (mainly as regards civil procedure) and is the author of several legal works, published in domestic and international publications, as well as of the book – “The challenge to the enforcement proceedings” (Universul Juridic, 2012-2013).  







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