Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

RTPR advises Catalyst Romania on its investment in evoMAG

17 August 2022   |   R. T.

RTPR involved in this transaction a team made of Alina Stavaru (Partner) and Adrian Hlistei-Muresan (Managing Associate) for the transaction documents, and further included Ana Maria Barbu (Senior Associate), Diana Dimitriu (Managing Associate) and Miruna Tocileanu (Junior Associate) for the due diligence, as well as Roxana Ionescu (Partner) and Serban Halmagean (Associate) for the competition aspects.

RTPR has assisted Catalyst Romania Fund II in relation to the acquisition of a minority stake in Evolution Prest Systems SRL, the company that owns the e-commerce website www.evoMAG.ro specialised in IT&C, telecoms and FMCG products.

”As always, we can rely on RTPR to deliver best in class legal counsel and to assist us navigate the bumpy road from the due diligence stage to the closing arrangements. The team, led by Alina Stăvaru, has been proficient and solution-oriented in a timely manner”, stated Alin Stanciu, Partner Catalyst Romania.

RTPR involved in this transaction a team made of Alina Stavaru (Partner) and Adrian Hlistei-Muresan (Managing Associate) for the transaction documents, and further included Ana Maria Barbu (Senior Associate), Diana Dimitriu (Managing Associate) and Miruna Tocileanu (Junior Associate) for the due diligence, as well as Roxana Ionescu (Partner) and Serban Halmagean (Associate) for the competition aspects.

The satisfaction of closing a transaction is even bigger when a client returns to you over and over again. Then you know you have really added value and your advice is appreciated. This is also the case of Catalyst Romania, which is one of our clients with whom we have closed many successful transactions. We are happy to have assisted them once more and I would like to thank them for putting their trust in us for each new project”, said Alina Stavaru, Partner at RTPR.

RTPR has one of the best-ranked and experienced Corporate/M&A practices in Romania, with extensive experience in transactions with private equity funds. RTPR lawyers are included in the first tier in all prestigious international legal directories, Chambers, Legal 500 and IFLR1000 recommend the team, and also several of the team’s lawyers are recognised as Leading Lawyers in this area in individual rankings.

Selected private equity deals in which RTPR have recently advised are set out below:

-        Enterprise Investors on the sale of Noriel, the largest toys and games retailer in Romania, to Sunman Group

-        Sarmis Capital on the acquisition of a majority shareholding stake in Smart ID Dynamics S.A., an important provider of highly customised end-to-end automation solutions for intensive business environments, leader in the Romanian IT industry

-        Dual role on the investment of the private equity fund Morphosis Capital in Cronos Med Group, leader in aesthetic medicine in Romania

-        Sarmis Capital on the acquisition of a majority stake in Corporate Office Solutions (COS), the leading integrated office fit-out services provider in Romania

-        Morphosis Capital and a consortium of investors from Belgium on the acquisition of a majority stake in EMI Equipement Maintenance Industrie, market leader in industrial access systems

-        Abris Capital Partners and GTS Global Intelligence S.A. on the acquisition of Knowledge Investment Group SRL, operating under the Lummetry.AI brand, a Romanian artificial intelligence business

-        Oresa on the acquisition of logistics and industrial park Solo Iasi from Tester Group owned by Romanian businessman Bogdan Pitigoi

-        Innova Capital on the acquisition of PayPoint Services SRL and Payzone SA, a market leading consumer payments operator in Romania, from PayPoint group

-        Enterprise Investors on the sale of Profi supermarket chain to Mid Europa Partners, the largest deal ever completed by a private equity fund in Romania and the largest deal in the retail sector in the country’s history







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