Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații launches “Law in the time of corona” set of podcasts, in response to the challenges raised by the current crisis

26 Martie 2020   |   BizLawyer

Invited guest on the first episode is Florentin Țuca, Managing Partner at Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații, who will engage in dialogue with Dan Cristea, Partner at the firm.

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații launches a set of podcasts titled "Law in the time of corona", with the first episode being streamed via YouTube on Friday, 27 March at 10:00 am.

"Law in the time of corona" is an array of dialogues on legal topics stemming from the global crisis brought by the coronavirus epidemic. The discussions approach relevant issues for the Romanian business environment and the legal industry, seeking to clarify hot topics of the crisis. The podcasts' hosts are lawyers and tax consultants of the firm, with special guests being invited to join the stream, as needed.

The podcasts are mainly published on Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații's official YouTube channel starting this Friday, 27 March at 10:00 am. Episodes from the series are also available on Podomatic and will soon be available on other dedicated podcast platforms as well.

Invited guest on the first episode is Florentin Țuca, Managing Partner at Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații, who will engage in dialogue with Dan Cristea, Partner at the firm.

Titled "How does the Law change?", this podcast is a discussion on the crucial and potentially irreversible mutations undergone by the legal world these days. Legal enactments swiftly pop up on various matters, and will continue to do so. Behind them, people's view on the legislators' role or on the balance between state power and the fundamental human rights and freedoms could shift substantially. In such times, what is the role of the legal advisor, which are the coordinates of the struggle for balance in a world marked by deep uncertainties, what assurances could the legal world bring to the business environment? These are the topics of the first episode in the podcast "Law in the time of corona".

The second episode will feature Cornel Popa, Partner at Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații and will be streamed on YouTube this Sunday, 29 March.

"Law in the time of corona" podcast series is part of the firm's response to the current crisis. On 16 March, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații announced it had implemented several measures to ensure business continuity, while ramping-up efforts to provide the business community and the general public with access to resources and studies dedicated to crisis management in the light of the coronavirus epidemic (www.tuca.ro/covid-19/). The firm also set-up a dedicated "task force" offering guidance on managing specific issues of the economic crisis (company law, restructuring and insolvency, labor law, tax and customs law, commercial contracts, litigation and arbitration, public procurement, data protection, etc.). Last, but not least, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații set up a special communication channel - helpline@tuca.ro for urgent inquiries regarding the legal challenges facing businesses in light of the COVID-19 epidemic.






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