Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

MPR|Partners promotes in Bucharest and London offices

01 Martie 2023   |   BizLawyer

Announced internally at the end of last year, all promotions are effective starting on March 1, 2023.

MPR|Partners started the year with one partnership promotion in the firm’s London office and two managing-level promotions in Bucharest, thus strengthening the leadership layer of several of the firm’s star practice areas. Announced internally at the end of last year, all promotions are effective starting on March 1, 2023.

Cristina Crețu has been promoted to partnership in London. She is a seasoned technology law and data protection expert, with 20 years of experience in the TMT sector. She has worked with the Romanian telecom regulatory authority (ANCOM), has been a regulatory expert with Deutsche Telekom’s Romanian subsidiary as well as a regulatory manager and data protection officer with Liberty Global in Romania, and is now a Senior Technology and Data Protection Consultant with MPR Partners’ Bucharest and London offices. Cristina is also a Vice Chair of the American-Romanian Chamber of Commerce’s Data Protection Task Force, she co-heads the firm’s task force on the Romanian National Council for Digital Transformation and is part of the European Data Protection Board ”Support Pool of Experts” List. In both 2022 and 2023 she has been bestowed the Lexology Client Choice Award for her Data Protection expertise. Cristina joined the firm in January 2020. Such is her reputation in the TMT space that she is frequently interviewed by national TV channels and other mainstream media channels on matters related to her areas of expertise.

Flavia Ștefura is now a managing associate with the firm’s Bucharest office, having over 10 years of experience in the legal space. She is a key member of the firm’s technology and life sciences practice groups, being primarily involved in IP, technology law, data privacy, competition and consumer protection matters. She has previously been part of top tier Romanian law firmsand currently advises high-profile clients active in various industry sectors, such as technology, life sciences, retail, FMCG, banking and finance. Flavia received the Intellectual property Award of Excellence, during Finmedia’s (major local publishing house) Top Lawyers’ Gala 2021 and is a constant contributor to international and local publications as well as webinars host, having (co)authored over 20 guides and articles pertaining to technology, IP and data privacy matters. Besides her LL.B from Paris I Pantheon–Sorbonne University, Flavia holds an LL.M in European Intellectual Property Law, Stockholm University, Sweden. She joined the firm in November 2018.

Diana Borcean is now a managing associate within the firm’s Bucharest office, her main areas of focus being real estate and construction, energy and natural resources, as well as corporate and M&A. Diana singlehandedly dealt with major transactions in various industry sectors and skillfully coordinated the legal team involved. Diana is at the forefront of developments in her areas of focus, and is regularly invited to author articles and other pieces for important publications. Diana is a member of the Corporate Governance and Real Estate Committees of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania). She joined the firm in November 2018 and she looks forward to expanding her knowledge and expertise in M&A field by being involved in more exciting and challenging projects.

We continuously work to strengthen our firm and its position on the market and being able to grow from within our own ranks is just splendid. It proves that hard work and efforts truly pay off. Congratulations to our colleagues for their professional development.”
Gelu Maravela, Founding Partner

These promotions are great news for both of our offices and I believe that the rest of the year is going to be very busy in Bucharest and London alike. Well done to my colleagues for their achievements and keep up the good work!”
Alina Popescu, Founding Partner






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