Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

SIMION & BACIU continues to enhance its capabilities in the Gaming and Gambling field with the addition of Alina Tace to its team

30 Martie 2023   |   BizLawyer

In her role at SIMION & BACIU, Alina will work closely with Managing Partners Cosmina Maria Simion and Ana-Maria Baciu to continue the expansion of the firm’s award-wining Gaming and Gambling Regulatory and the strengthening of the capabilities of our team, while exploring the best manners to contributing to the coherent and balanced evolution, from a legal perspective, of this field in Romania.

SIMION & BACIU has announced the expansion of the firm’s Gaming and Gambling Regulatory practice group with the addition of Alina Tace as a Managing Associate.Alina joins from Romanian law firm NNDKP, where she had various roles for the past 8 years.

Internationally acknowledged as an up-and-coming Romanian professional, Alina has been recognized since 2018 as a Rising Star both in the Gambling and Intellectual Property chapters of the highly reputable British publication by Legal 500, with independent sources highlighting that her “know-how and the dedication of reaching the goal are exceptional.”

Alina has been active in the gaming and gambling regulatory field ever since the very beginning of the reformation of the Romanian legal framework in 2015 and is well-versed in dealing with all legal aspects related to the operation of such activities, particularly from a regulatory and technical perspective, but also contentious.  

Complementing her gaming and gambling practice, Alina has strong expertise in intellectual property as well as in other business law areas of practice including anti-money laundry, general commercial & corporate, consumer protection, advertising & media. She is a member of the Romanian Chamber of Trademark, Design and Patent Attorneys (licensed as Trademarks, Designs and Patents Attorney) and a licensed European Trademark and Design attorney with EUIPO.

In her role at SIMION & BACIU, Alina will work closely with Managing Partners Cosmina Maria Simion and Ana-Maria Baciu to continue the expansion of the firm’s award-wining Gaming and Gambling Regulatory and the strengthening of the capabilities of the team, while exploring the best manners to contributing to the coherent and balanced evolution, from a legal perspective, of this field in Romania.

“Alina is one of the rising stars of her generation: focused, clear minded, determined to find a feasible solution, however complex the matter at hand. She is one of the most talented lawyers we have seen evolving along the years and we are confident that her contribution to the SIMION & BACIU practice will prove instrumental in consolidating the top-of-the-class legal service we are determined to provide to our clients”, mentioned Cosmina Maria Simion, Managing Partner.

“We are delighted to welcome Alina to the SIMION & BACIU team. We have had the opportunity to see Alina evolve to the well-rounded lawyer she is today, and we are thankful for her decision to rejoin us, in this new formula, and support our commitment to do best what we do best for the direct benefit of our clients, business partners and team members and bring to life, through all our interactions, the SIMION & BACIU values” added Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner.

Since its founding in 2019, SIMION & BACIU’s propensity towards work in fields with a strong regulatory content, such as gaming and gambling profiled it as the go-to external legal counsel for leading companies active in this sector and interested by the Romanian market, reconfirming it as one of the pillars supporting the development of the firm.

As the gaming and gambling industry advances to new development stages, SIMION & BACIU continues to be heavily involved in the legislative process concerning it. Recent examples include the contribution of members of the team, on behalf of their clients, to the market consultations generated by the latest changes to either the fiscal legislation or the gambling advertising one, changes that have a high potential of significantly impacting the operations of the gambling industry players.

A law firm that proposes a different approach, SIMION & BACIU quickly became a reference on the Romanian market, with a strong propensity toward offering legal services with regulatory content.
We are a team of over 25 professionals that provides a tailored relationship model to clients and business partners. We operate based on a consulting-litigation matrix structure, with main areas of practice including Intellectual Property, Consumer Protection & Advertising, Gambling regulatory, Technology & Media, Personal Data Protection and Privacy, Corporate/Mergers & Acquisitions, Pharmaceutical/Medical regulatory and Disputes Resolution.
SIMION & BACIU and members of its team are active in third-party professional organizations such as IMGL (International Masters of Gaming Law), INTA (International Trademark Association), ECTA (European Communities Trademark Association) and AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce in Romania) and Concordia (Employers' Confederation), thus, being permanently connected to the evolution and trends of the Romanian and international business and legal environment.
Members of our team are independently acknowledged by reputable international directories including Chambers and Partners, Legal 500, Managing IP, Who’sWhoLegal and WTR 1000.
Our growing reputation is reconfirmed by international and domestic awards, including:
►    Recognition as a Top Firm by the European Legal500, since the establishment of our firm, in 2019
►    Recognition as a leading firm by Chambers and Partners, prestigious publication evaluating the activity of law firms across over 200 jurisdictions
►    Law Firm of the Year in Romania distinction awarded by Managing IP (2021, 2022)
►    Winner of the Most dynamic law firm operating in the field of gambling award, at the Gambling Professionals ReUnion Awards Gala organized by Casino Inside (2021 and 2022)
►    Winner of the Law Firm in Gambling Law award, at the Romanian Legal Awards gala (2022)







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