Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Airbus Helicopters Romania delivers first new generation of H135 helicopters to Romanian state

04 Martie 2021   |   Agerpres

In September 2018 an international tender was launched for the supply of easy multirole helicopters to the Romanian state, in which Airbus Helicopters participated with the H135 variant. As a result of winning this auction, a four-year framework agreement was concluded at the end of July 2019, which provides for the purchase of up to 10 H135 helicopters, as well as support services associated with air medical operations and search and rescue (SAR) missions in the country.

Airbus Helicopters Romania has completed the delivery of the first three of the H135 helicopters to the General Aviation Inspectorate, with the next three deliveries scheduled by mid-2021, the company announced on Thursday.
In September 2018 an international tender was launched for the supply of easy multirole helicopters to the Romanian state, in which Airbus Helicopters participated with the H135 variant. As a result of winning this auction, a four-year framework agreement was concluded at the end of July 2019, which provides for the purchase of up to 10 H135 helicopters, as well as support services associated with air medical operations and search and rescue (SAR) missions in the country.
So far, according to the source, after the signing of three subsequent contracts, the total order is to be made for six H135 helicopters, to be used for medical evacuation missions (MEDEVAC), search and rescue in difficult conditions, especially in the mountains (SAR) and aerial interventions for critical medical cases. At the end of the deliveries under this framework contract, the customer will have a complex and complete package that will allow them to fully operate these helicopters (logistics, spare parts, machinery, medical equipment, qualified and schooled staff).
"Today, in particular, we recognize the efforts of all those involved in emergency medical operations and pride ourselves on being part of a higher goal to save human lives. The H135 is one of the most successful twin-engine helicopters produced by Airbus, perfectly capable of meeting the needs of the Romanian customer in MEDEVAC and SAR missions. We trust our product and remain true to the promise we make to each customer - to deliver on time, on quality, on cost," said Georges Durdilly, general manager of Airbus Helicopters Romania.
The H135 project in Romania started in 2001 and since then Airbus Helicopters Romania has sold helicopters and offered maintenance, repair and modernization services to the Romanian Ministry of Interior for this aircraft model which currently carries out two types of missions: police and emergency medical services - EMS.
Airbus is present in Romania with all three divisions: Airbus Helicopters Romania (2002) and Premium Aerotec (2009) in Brasov and Airbus Defense and Space (2005) in Bucharest.






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