Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Gov’t: Up to 200,000 lei for Romanians abroad who want to return and invest in Romania

05 August 2022   |   Agerpres

The maximum amount of 200,000 lei is available when at least two full-time jobs are created under a project. Applicants who undertake to create just one job will qualify for a maximum of 100,000 lei. Additionally, the beneficiary company has to pony up co-funding that is at least 5% of the eligible value of the project.

Romanians abroad who want to return to the country and invest in a business qualify for up to 200,000 lei in grants under the Start-Up Nation programme, this year in its third edition, according to a press release of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MAT).
"Romania is your home! Here we can build a more prosperous present and future together, both for us and for our children. There are many opportunities that you can take advantage of. One of them is the Start-Up Nation programme, which has a pillar dedicated to the overseas communities. Concretely, you will be able to access grants of up to 200,000 lei to start up your own business in the country. Romania is waiting for you!" Minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism Constantin-Daniel Cadariu is quoted as saying in the press release.
The maximum amount of 200,000 lei is available when at least two full-time jobs are created under a project. Applicants who undertake to create just one job will qualify for a maximum of 100,000 lei. Additionally, the beneficiary company has to pony up co-funding that is at least 5% of the eligible value of the project.
In order to access the programme, in addition to the standard conditions required by the procedure, overseas Romanians have to produce proof of domicile or residence abroad in the last 12 months prior to registration, in the form of a residence permit/proof of settlement, residence visa/ long stay or residence certificate.
Registrations are done exclusively online, on the granturi.imm.gov.ro platform, until September 1, 2022. There is also a manual available for the applicants that includes the necessary application steps.
The total budget for Pillar II Start-up Nation Diaspora is 20,031,000 lei. The objective of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MAT), the body that manages and implements the programme, is to offer grants to 1,000 applicants. For more information call the 021 90 59MAT call-centre line. 






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