Iablonschi & Asociații Joins Marcalliance, Strengthening Its Global Network and Eastern European Presence
16 Ianuarie 2025
BizLawyerMarcalliance strengthens its global network and presence in Eastern Europe by co-opting Iablonschi & Asociații as a member for Romania
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Iablonschi & Asociații is proud to announce its appointment as a Romanian member of Marcalliance, a distinguished international network of independent law and tax firms.
With this incorporation, Marcalliance reinforces its position in Eastern Europe, expanding its ability to provide member firms’ clients with seamless assistance in one of the region’s strong-performing economies.
This strategic move, a membership recently formalized between the two entities, reinforces Iablonschi & Asociații’s vision of delivering comprehensive, high-quality, and integrated legal and tax solutions. Moreover, it marks the access to the international and domestic corporations active in the Romanian market to a nuanced, tailored professional attention with a refreshing globalized perspective.
With this incorporation, Marcalliance reinforces its position in Eastern Europe, expanding its ability to provide member firms’ clients with seamless assistance in one of the region’s strong-performing economies.
This strategic move, a membership recently formalized between the two entities, reinforces Iablonschi & Asociații’s vision of delivering comprehensive, high-quality, and integrated legal and tax solutions. Moreover, it marks the access to the international and domestic corporations active in the Romanian market to a nuanced, tailored professional attention with a refreshing globalized perspective.
Marcalliance, with its presence in 28 countries, is renowned for fostering collaboration among independent firms to deliver seamless, cross-border legal and tax support. This partnership reflects the two entities’ dedication to building synergistic relationships that enable clients to thrive in an interconnected business landscape.
Dorothée De Bernis, President of Marcalliance affirmed: We are glad to welcome Iablonschi & Asociații to our Alliance and therefore, counting on such a reliable legal team player in Romania. Eastern Europe is a recipient of foreign investments that undoubtedly require specific legal advice from teams that are used to dealing with international clients.
Founded by seasoned professionals with extensive experience in top-tier law firms and Big Four environments, Iablonschi & Asociații specializes in a wide range of legal areas, including tax, dispute resolution, corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, and various regulatory matters (competition law, data privacy, energy and natural resources). The firm is recognized for its commitment to delivering commercially viable solutions across industries with a particular focus on agribusiness, FMCG, energy, technology, and real estate.
“Joining Marcalliance is a crucial milestone for our firm, allowing us to enhance our ability to serve clients operating across multiple jurisdictions. We are excited about collaborating with Marcalliance’s esteemed members, sharing expertise, and contributing to a global network that shares our values of integrity, quality, and innovation. This partnership will empower us to better support our clients’ international ambitions and ensure consistent, reliable service wherever their business takes them.” said Ionuț Iablonschi, Partner at Iablonschi & Asociații.
Through its integration with Marcalliance, Iablonschi & Asociații aims to uphold the network’s high standards, contribute to its global expertise, and leverage its resources to create new opportunities for clients both in Romania and internationally.
Marcalliance was founded in 2013 by a French and a Spanish law firm, now named Carlara and Forvis Mazars Tax & Legal with the aim of providing our member law firms’ clients with an access to a full range of legal and tax services in all areas of business law combining local expertise with international capabilities.
Now, Marcalliance is an international alliance of 30 independent law firms gathering more than 2000 lawyers, providing cost-effective, high standard professional legal and tax services to clients operating internationally, with extensive experience in carrying out complex cross-border operations for businesses and individuals.
The Alliance is present in 29 countries along Europe, North, Central and South America, Far East and Oceania.
The law firm Members share the same core values and provide the same high standards of service and quality.
Also, our lawyers have strong expertise and reputation in handling legal issues in their local environment, in working with foreign clients, international groups and experts in other jurisdictions.
Constant exchange of knowledge is assured through our joint Practice Groups of Marcalliance reuniting experts in certain expertise areas such as: Corporate & Transaction Services Law, Employment Law, Energy Law, Intellectual Property and IT Law, Dispute Resolution, Tax controversy, Merge & Acquisition, Real estate.
Iablonschi & Asociații was founded with the vision to build a business law firm designed to serve clients with a 360-degree view of their needs through transparent communication and a close partnership that allows us to turn challenges into opportunities.
The firm is coordinated by
- Ionuț Iablonschi, Partner. Combining realism and creativity to deliver ready-to-implement solutions for legal intricacies, Ionuț`s professional experience included roles in leading law firms within Romania (e.g. Deloitte Law, EY Law, Musat & Associates), before setting up Iablonschi & Asociații. He will act as the Contact Partner for Maralliance in Romania.
- Corina Iablonschi, Partner. Corina embeds a proactive approach and meticulous attention to detail in her work, with previous roles, including project management and team coordination, in highly reputable business law firms active in Romania, such as Țuca, Zbârcea & Asociații and NNDKP. More details HERE.
Now, Marcalliance is an international alliance of 30 independent law firms gathering more than 2000 lawyers, providing cost-effective, high standard professional legal and tax services to clients operating internationally, with extensive experience in carrying out complex cross-border operations for businesses and individuals.
The Alliance is present in 29 countries along Europe, North, Central and South America, Far East and Oceania.
The law firm Members share the same core values and provide the same high standards of service and quality.
Also, our lawyers have strong expertise and reputation in handling legal issues in their local environment, in working with foreign clients, international groups and experts in other jurisdictions.
Constant exchange of knowledge is assured through our joint Practice Groups of Marcalliance reuniting experts in certain expertise areas such as: Corporate & Transaction Services Law, Employment Law, Energy Law, Intellectual Property and IT Law, Dispute Resolution, Tax controversy, Merge & Acquisition, Real estate.
Iablonschi & Asociații was founded with the vision to build a business law firm designed to serve clients with a 360-degree view of their needs through transparent communication and a close partnership that allows us to turn challenges into opportunities.
The firm is coordinated by
- Ionuț Iablonschi, Partner. Combining realism and creativity to deliver ready-to-implement solutions for legal intricacies, Ionuț`s professional experience included roles in leading law firms within Romania (e.g. Deloitte Law, EY Law, Musat & Associates), before setting up Iablonschi & Asociații. He will act as the Contact Partner for Maralliance in Romania.
- Corina Iablonschi, Partner. Corina embeds a proactive approach and meticulous attention to detail in her work, with previous roles, including project management and team coordination, in highly reputable business law firms active in Romania, such as Țuca, Zbârcea & Asociații and NNDKP. More details HERE.
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