Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Managers expect stable trend in industry, construction, services in next three months

28 Septembrie 2020   |   Agerpres

In the case of industrial product prices, some stability is forecast in the next three months, with a short-term balance of +5%.

Activities in industry, construction and services will have a stable trend over the next three months, while prices in construction and retail trade will increase moderately over the same period, show the managers' perceptions in the estimate 3-month survey conducted by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
According to official statistics, managers in the processing industry expect relative stability of production volume for the next three months (short-term balance +5%). At the same time, in terms of the number of employees, a relative stability is estimated, the short-term balance being of -5% per total processing industry.
In the case of industrial product prices, some stability is forecast in the next three months, with a short-term balance of +5%.
The estimates in September highlight the fact that, in the construction activity, there will be a relative stability of the production volume (short term balance +3%), during the next three months. In addition, managers estimate that the number of employees will be relatively stable, with a short-term balance of -1%.
As to the prices of construction works, a moderate increase is expected (short-term balance +8%).
In the retail trade sector, managers estimated for the next three months a trend of moderate growth of economic activity (short-term balance +10%), while the volume of orders addressed to suppliers of goods by business units will register moderate growth (short-term balance +13%). In the same sector of activity, employers forecast a moderate increase in the number of employees (short-term balance +14%).
For the next three months, the managers of the companies estimate a moderate increase in retail prices (short-term balance +13%).
In the services segment, the demand (turnover) will see a relative stability in the next three months (short-term balance +4%), as well as a certain stability of the number of employees (short-term balance -1%).
Managers are of the opinion that the sales or invoicing prices of the services will have a tendency of relative stability and a short-term balance of -1%.
The INS states that the short-term balance indicates the perception of business managers on the dynamics of a phenomenon, which should not be confused with the rate of increase or decrease in any statistical indicator produced by the institution.
Also, the percentage short-term balance is obtained as the difference between the percentage of managers who chose the positive variant of the phenomenon and the percentage of those who indicated the negative variant.






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