Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Mobexpert leased 1,400 sq. m of warehouse spaces within Oresa Industra Park Iasi

26 Martie 2024   |   BizLawyer

The store in Iasi is the 4th largest store of the Mobexpert network, after Mobexpert Baneasa, Pipera and Constanta and the leasing decision is a strategic step for the group’s development.

Mobexpert, the furniture market leader in Romania, expands its logistics and storage operations by leasing 1,400 sq. m within Oresa Industra Park in Iasi, owned by Oresa Industra, the real estate division of the Oresa family office. The Oresa Industra Park in Iasi reached a 100% occupancy as a result of this transaction.

Lorena Brehuescu, Investment & Leasing Manager Oresa Industra: ”We fully appreciate the trust our partners have shown us and we are thrilled by this collaboration. Our mission is to develop long-term partnerships and to remain the main player in the Moldova region and beyond."

This transaction reflects the constant commitment towards streamlining and optimizing delivery operations in the region, emphasizing the Mobexpert’s ever-present concern pretaining to the quality of the services offered to its customers.

The store in Iasi is the 4th largest store of the Mobexpert network, after Mobexpert Baneasa, Pipera and Constanta and the leasing decision is a strategic step for the group’s development. Mobexpert's regional network currently includes 26 stores, having a share of 18% in the furniture and homeware market and a share of 30% in the office furniture market.

Oresa Industra, the real estate division of the Oresa family office, is the main player on the Iasi industrial and logistics market, with 10,000 sq. m of such spaces delivered last year within Industra Park Iasi, reaching a total leasable area of 35,000 sq. m within the project.

Industra Park Iasi is fully leased by companies such as LEAR Coorporation, Ropharma, Antalis or Side Grup.

Oresa Industra, a specialised developer and asset manager of logistics and industrial spaces, currently has under construction a 15,000 sq. m extension of the Industra Park Iasi, which is due to be completed by the end of the year.

Moreover, another project with a total area of 33,000 sq. m is planned to be delivered in Arad during 2024.

Oresa is a private investment company controlled by a Swedish entrepreneurial family, active in Central and Eastern Europe since 1995, with a strong presence in Romania.







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