Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

More than half of Romanians believe situation in their country worse than in 1989 (survey)

17 Noiembrie 2022   |   Agerpres

The project partners are the University of Bucharest, the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, the Polytechnic School of Bucharest, the Vest University of Timisoara, and the Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi.

More than 50% of Romanians believe that the situation in their country is worse than in 1989, according to a survey carried out by INSCOP Research as part of the their "Romania - Agenda 2050" project commissioned by the Strategic Thinking Group and released on Thursday at a news conference.
The project partners are the University of Bucharest, the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, the Polytechnic School of Bucharest, the Vest University of Timisoara, and the Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi.
The first survey was conducted May 23 - June 14, on a sample of 1,500 people, and the second between September 26 and October 4, on a sample of 1,200 people. The samples are representative of the major social and demographic categories for the non-institutionalised population of Romania, aged 18 and over. The maximum allowed error is +/-2.53%, at a confidence level of 95%.
As many as 54% of Romanians in the May - June survey and 57.4% in the September - October survey believe that the overall general situation in Romania is worse than in 1989.
As many as 43.5% in the in May - June poll and 39.1% in the September - October poll believe the overall situation in Romania in 2050 will be better than now.
Both surveys reveal that 68.4% of respondents agree with the transition to environmentally friendly energy sources: more than half of the Romanians (51.5%) answered that energy prices would make them cut on their energy use. At the same time, almost three quarters (72.5%) of the respondents would like to have photovoltaic panels installed at their residences.
Almost 43% prefer transport by their own vehicles when travelling long distance inside the city, and 27.3% public transport.
Asked what the two most important environmental problems facing Romania are, 58.4% answered illegal logging, and 42.6% water pollution.
About the three main problems of the Romanian education system, 53.6% in the September-October survey picked poor training and disinterest of teachers, 45.1% school dropout among underprivileged children, 41% the lack of discipline in students.
Almost 62% are of the opinion that parents do not pay enough attention to their children at school, and 88% believe that formal education is the best way to succeed in life.
In the May-June survey, 76.1% of the Romanians were very much or quite a lot concerned about their health.
In the September-October survey, a third (33.3%) thought about going to work abroad at some point in the future, and 65.8% said they had not considered it; 41.5% are of the opinion that those who go to work abroad are seen as having no alternatives in Romania.
As many as 82.5% agree with tax cuts for the private sector companies that initiate new investment in the economy, while 57% totally agree with increasing allowances and pensions, even if there are no resources, and 27.4% somehow agree.
In the May-June survey, 83.5% believed that Romania should align itself with the West - the European Union, the US, and NATO - in terms of political and military alliances.
In both surveys, 89.2% are of the opinion that the public should be consulted more often by referendum on major issues of local or national interest. 






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