Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

PM Orban: Healthcare system to benefit from 7.5B euros investment in the following years

23 Noiembrie 2020   |   Agerpres

He explained that, in total, the financing agreement for Bucharest will target 22 hospitals.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday said that in the coming years the healthcare system will benefit from a total allocation of almost 7.5 billion euros, with the money to come from European funding.
"Today's event is an event in which financing agreements are signed for the endowment of 10 hospitals in Bucharest. The Romanian government, once the pandemic broke out, took steps at the level of the European Commission to obtain European funds to equip the hospitals in Romania. We managed to obtain 1,270,000,000 euros, money that will be used to endow the hospitals with devices, equipment and for any other necessary investments.This allocation of 1,270,000,000 euros is followed by the allocation of an unprecedented amount for the modernization of our healthcare system, of 6.1 billion euros, to be invested in this field over the next 7 years, as follows: 1.9 billion euros will come through the National Recovery and Resilience Program and 4.9 billion euros from the EU budget 2021-2027, from the cohesion funds. Once again, we are talking about an investment of almost 7.5 billion euros, an investment that comes to make up for the absence of serious funding, until now, in the modernization of the healthcare system and the increase of the quality of the medical services in our country," the head of Executive, Ludovic Orban, said on Monday, at Victoria Palace.
He explained that, in total, the financing agreement for Bucharest will target 22 hospitals.
"For Bucharest, we are signing today the financing agreements for 10 hospitals, while in total there will be 22 hospitals to benefit from these funds, and the amount allocated for equipping the hospitals with equipment and other necessary investments will exceed 100 million euro," Orban said.
The Prime Minister added that the Government plans to build the 3 regional hospitals, for which the financing agreements have already been signed, namely the Iasi Regional Hospital, the Craiova Regional Hospital and the Cluj Napoca Regional Hospital.
"We also aim to build another 10 new county hospitals, as well as to modernize other county hospitals, municipal and city hospitals with new allocation of funds, absolutely unprecedented amounts."
The Prime Minister participated in the signing of financing agreement from European funds of 10 projects that will be implemented by hospitals in Bucharest in order to increase the capacity to respond to the health crisis caused by COVID -19.
The event was also attended by the Minister of Health, Nelu Tataru, the Minister of European Funds, Marcel Bolos, the General Mayor of the Capital, Nicusor Dan, and the managers of the health units that implement the projects. 






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