Filip & Company becomes the first independent CEE law firm to adopt Harvey
22 Ianuarie 2025
BizLawyerFilip & Company sets a benchmark for the legal profession, demonstrating how AI can complement human expertise to achieve outstanding results.
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Filip & Company is proud to announce the adoption of Harvey, becoming the first law firm in Romania and the first leading independent firm in CEE to integrate this state-of-the-art generative AI platform designed specifically for the legal industry. This move represents a bold step toward leveraging technology to transform legal practice, benefiting both clients and colleagues.
“As a firm, we have always embraced innovation as a core value, ensuring that we adapt to a rapidly changing world while delivering substantial value and excellent service to our clients,” said Cristina Filip, managing partner at Filip & Company. “The adoption of AI is a transformative step that enhances rather than replaces human expertise and contribution. With Harvey, our team can focus on what matters most: understanding our clients’ needs and objectives in the applicable context and crafting effective, sound and strategic solutions for the matters at stake. Furthermore, we believe this tool would enable us to foster a healthier, more balanced work environment, where technology supports both efficiency and personal growth.”
“As a firm, we have always embraced innovation as a core value, ensuring that we adapt to a rapidly changing world while delivering substantial value and excellent service to our clients,” said Cristina Filip, managing partner at Filip & Company. “The adoption of AI is a transformative step that enhances rather than replaces human expertise and contribution. With Harvey, our team can focus on what matters most: understanding our clients’ needs and objectives in the applicable context and crafting effective, sound and strategic solutions for the matters at stake. Furthermore, we believe this tool would enable us to foster a healthier, more balanced work environment, where technology supports both efficiency and personal growth.”
“AI is fundamentally reshaping industries, and the legal profession is no exception,” added Alexandru Birsan, partner at Filip & Company and Chair of the Law Firm Management - AI & Technology Subcommittee at the International Bar Association (IBA). “There is a lot of power in advanced technology and we need to harness it inteligently. We are focused on making sure our team always has access to the best resources so that it is in the position to do excellent things for our clients, but also so that our people can ideally make their own lives easier. Technology transformation has been an accelerating reality for the entirety of my carreer and one thing I am sure of is that we can use it to make the legal profession, dare I say, more fun. ”
The decision to adopt Harvey reflects Filip & Company’s forward-thinking approach to meeting the evolving needs of a fast-paced legal environment. Harvey streamlines time-intensive tasks like document reviews, legal research, translations, and compliance, freeing up time for our lawyers to focus on high-value strategic work.
The platform also enhances accuracy and efficiency, enabling the firm to deliver faster, more tailored solutions.
Filip & Company sees Harvey not just as a tool for efficiency, but as an investment in its people. By optimizing workflows, we are creating space for a healthier balance between professional and personal lives, while ensuring that the firm remains at the forefront of innovation in the legal industry.
The adoption process was guided by rigorous testing and a commitment to ethical integration. “We evaluated several platforms, and Harvey stood out for its precision, security, and versatility,” said Andreea Pistea, Digital Transformation Project Manager. “We also prioritized robust training and clear guidelines to ensure our lawyers remain central to every decision.”
Filip & Company sets a benchmark for the legal profession, demonstrating how AI can complement human expertise to achieve outstanding results. This initiative underscores our belief that the future of law lies in combining the best of technology with the best of people.
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