POPESCU & ASOCIATII was designated, for the 2nd year in a row, Eastern European Firm of the Year | Loredana POPESCU, Partner - Equity Capital Markets Lawyer of the Year
01 Iulie 2024
R. T.In the evaluation process, the jury analysed both the outstanding contributions of female lawyers in their practice areas and the collective efforts of law firms to distribute, equitably, the work and contribute to the ongoing development of the company.
POPESCU & ASOCIATII was designated, for the 2nd year in a row, Eastern European Firm of the Year and Loredana POPESCU, Partner - Equity Capital Markets Lawyer of the Year. Both trophies were awarded at the Women in Business Law EMEA 2024 Gala which took place in London, on June 26.
POPESCU & ASOCIATII continues to demonstrate excellence in the legal field, being designated Eastern Europe Firm of the Year, for the 2nd year in a row, at the prestigious Women in Business Law Awards EMEA 2024. This event recognizes and rewards firms and professionals that have made remarkable contributions in supporting women within the legal profession.
Moreover, Loredana POPESCU, Partner, has been named Equity Capital Markets Lawyer of the Year. This distinction reflects Loredana’s professionalism and expertise in the capital markets sector and her significant contributions to the development of this field.
POPESCU & ASOCIATII continues to demonstrate excellence in the legal field, being designated Eastern Europe Firm of the Year, for the 2nd year in a row, at the prestigious Women in Business Law Awards EMEA 2024. This event recognizes and rewards firms and professionals that have made remarkable contributions in supporting women within the legal profession.
Moreover, Loredana POPESCU, Partner, has been named Equity Capital Markets Lawyer of the Year. This distinction reflects Loredana’s professionalism and expertise in the capital markets sector and her significant contributions to the development of this field.
Launched in 2011, the Women in Business Law Awards recognize excellence, innovation, and remarkable engagement in the legal activities of firms worldwide, particularly celebrating the achievements of female lawyers.
This year’s winners were chosen by a committee of senior editors, following a rigorous analysis of 2023 activities. The main evaluation criteria included innovation, excellence, and the firm’s commitment to supporting the professional development of women in the legal field, providing balanced programs to harmoniously blend their career and the personal life.
In the evaluation process, the jury analysed both the outstanding contributions of female lawyers in their practice areas and the collective efforts of law firms to distribute, equitably, the work and contribute to the ongoing development of the company.
The trophies Eastern Europe Firm of the Year and Equity Capital Markets Lawyer of the Year, along with this year’s nominations, honour and empower, at the same time, the entire POPESCU & ASOCIATII team, reflecting the hard work and dedication of each lawyer in the firm.
At the gala event held in London, Loredana POPESCU, Partner, and Anca SIMERIA, Partner, proudly represented the entire team and received the trophies of recognition POPESCU & ASOCIATII’s efforts and achievements.
"I am honoured to be named Equity Capital Markets Lawyer of the Year. Also, I am happy that our team has received the Eastern Europe Firm of the Year trophy, for the second consecutive year. These recognitions are the result of our entire team’s efforts and dedication, who consistently demonstrate a commitment to excellence. Moreover, these results would not be possible without the trust of our clients. We thank everyone for the opportunity to collaborate on important projects. Looking to the future, we aim to raise the standards in the legal field even higher, to be a model of professional responsibility, and to continue to improve our services to exceed clients’ expectations", stated Loredana POPESCU, Partner.
"It is an extraordinary feeling to see our efforts recognized at such a high level. Our success is due to each member of the POPESCU & ASOCIATII team, as well as to our close collaboration with all the clients who have entrusted us with their most complex legal challenges. In a continuously evolving period, we remain dedicated to innovation and to the constant improvement of our services, ensuring that we provide top legal solutions, tailored to the specific and various needs of each client", added Anca SIMERIA, Partner.
The list of winners and the evaluation criteria can be found on the official page.
POPESCU & ASOCIATII is the first-line law firm that provides exceptional integrated services to premium clients, both in Romania and abroad, in all relevant practice areas and especially in the industries of interest to active economic players.
POPESCU & ASSOCIATII and its lawyers are included within the elite of business law from Romania in areas such as Corporate/Mergers and Acquisitions, Litigation, Public-Private Partnerships and Public Procurement, Restructuring and Insolvency, Tax and Criminal Business Law, based on the extraordinary capabilities in the legal sector and clients’ appreciations, recognitions awarded by the latest editions of all the famous international legal directories such as Chambers & Partners, IFLR 1000, Benchmark Litigation and Legal 500 EMEA.
At Top Lawyers Gala 2023, the Litigation team received the Special Award "Excellence in Dispute Resolution".
In 2022, the firm was designated, for the 2nd year consecutively, the Highly Commended Law Firm in South Eastern Europe within The Lawyer European Awards becoming the first law firm in Romania, with less than 3 years of activity at the time of obtaining the first recognition in 2021, the positioning in The Lawyer ranking targeting a regional category, dominated by important names in the European law.
POPESCU & ASOCIATII also received the awards for the Best Litigation Law Firm in Romania, the Best Law Firm in Banking Law in Romania, the Best Law Firm in Real Estate Law in Romania and was recognized among the Best Criminal Business Law Firms in Romania, based on the extraordinary experience and recognition coming from the local legal environment, at the Romanian Law Awards Gala.
POPESCU & ASSOCIATII and its lawyers are included within the elite of business law from Romania in areas such as Corporate/Mergers and Acquisitions, Litigation, Public-Private Partnerships and Public Procurement, Restructuring and Insolvency, Tax and Criminal Business Law, based on the extraordinary capabilities in the legal sector and clients’ appreciations, recognitions awarded by the latest editions of all the famous international legal directories such as Chambers & Partners, IFLR 1000, Benchmark Litigation and Legal 500 EMEA.
At Top Lawyers Gala 2023, the Litigation team received the Special Award "Excellence in Dispute Resolution".
In 2022, the firm was designated, for the 2nd year consecutively, the Highly Commended Law Firm in South Eastern Europe within The Lawyer European Awards becoming the first law firm in Romania, with less than 3 years of activity at the time of obtaining the first recognition in 2021, the positioning in The Lawyer ranking targeting a regional category, dominated by important names in the European law.
POPESCU & ASOCIATII also received the awards for the Best Litigation Law Firm in Romania, the Best Law Firm in Banking Law in Romania, the Best Law Firm in Real Estate Law in Romania and was recognized among the Best Criminal Business Law Firms in Romania, based on the extraordinary experience and recognition coming from the local legal environment, at the Romanian Law Awards Gala.
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