RTPR advises AROBS on Infobest acquisition
27 Februarie 2024
BizLawyerThe team of lawyers involved in this project was coordinated by Alina Stavaru (Partner) and Andrei Tosa (Managing Associate), and further included Cezara Urzica (Senior Associate), Cristina Mircea (Managing Associate), Irina Marinescu and Daria Spatariu (Junior Associates). Roxana Ionescu (Partner) and Serban Halmagean (Associate) provided assistance in relation to FDI aspects of the transaction.
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RTPR has one of the most experienced teams of lawyers specialised in Corporate/M&A in Romania. 2023 marked a new record for RTPR, the team advised sellers and buyers in 30 mandates signed during the year. At the same time, the experience and quality of the firm’s services are recognised by the most relevant publications in the field, the RTPR practice is included in the first tier in the Chambers, Legal 500 and IFLR1000 rankings, which are realised based on feedback collected from clients and competitors, as a result of a thorough research process. Several of the team’s lawyers are also recommended as Leading Lawyers or Rising Stars in individual rankings produced by these publications.
The team of lawyers involved in this project was coordinated by Alina Stavaru (Partner) and Andrei Tosa (Managing Associate), and further included Cezara Urzica (Senior Associate), Cristina Mircea (Managing Associate), Irina Marinescu and Daria Spatariu (Junior Associates). Roxana Ionescu (Partner) and Serban Halmagean (Associate) provided assistance in relation to FDI aspects of the transaction.
“The joy you feel when signing a new deal is even greater when a client returns to you again and again, with new challenges and new mandates. In such moments, you really feel that your work is truly appreciated and that you add real value. This is the case with AROBS. Together we completed several acquisitions, contributing our know-how and experience to the success of each one. I would like to thank them for their trust and to congratulate them on this new success”, said Alina Stavaru, Partner of RTPR.
“I am happy we had the opportunity to work with the AROBS team again on a new acquisition. Once more we had an excellent collaboration for the benefit of all parties involved in the transaction. With each new acquisition, AROBS strengthens its leading position among Romanian technology companies and we are honoured to share this experience with them”, said Andrei Tosa, Managing Associate at RTPR.
In recent years, RTPR assisted AROBS Transilvania Software in several buy-side mandates of companies in the IT sector, such as Future WorkForce Global (2023), Enea Services Romania SRL (2022), UCMS Romania (2019), SAS Group (2018).
In the 2024 edition of the renowned international legal directory Chambers Global which was published earlier this month, RTPR is the only law firm in Romania listed in the first position in both practice areas covered by the guide: Corporate ̸ M&A and Banking & Finance.
Selected corporate/M&A deals in which RTPR have recently advised are set out below:
- MidEuropa Partners on the EUR1.3bn sale of Profi, in the largest transaction in the retail sector ever concluded in Romania
- Morphosis Capital and a group of co-investors from Belgium on the acquisition of a majority stake in Mark Twain International School
- ENGIE Romania on the acquisition of an operational wind farm with a capacity of 80MW
- Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) on the sale of CEZ Vanzare to Premier Energy PLC, owned by the Czech private equity fund, Emma Capital
- Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, the largest Italian bank, on the acquisition of First Bank from the American private investment fund J.C. Flowers
- IPS Solutions, leader on the European software market, on the acquisition of the majority stake in Avaelgo SRL, a Romanian IT services company, from the founder Mihai Tataran
- Orange Money Romania, part of Orange group, on the transfer of its retail business to Alpha Bank Romania
- Romcim, part of the CRH Group, on the acquisition of Bauelemente Reinvest S.R.L. and its fully owned subsidiary, Bauelemente S.R.L., the market leader manufacturer of prefabricated reinforced and prestressed concrete in Romania
- AS Piletilevi Group on the acquisition of a majority stake in Departamentul Logistic Event S.R.L., the owner of the website bilete.ro
- Regina Maria on the acquisition of a majority shareholding stake in the stomatology clinics chain Dr Leahu
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