LegiTeam | CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG LLP SCP is looking for: Associate (Banking & Finance Team)
07 Octombrie 2024
LegiTeamSend your application (CV and cover letter) both in English language to Bucharest.Office@cms-cmno.com mentioning the position you are applying for in the subject of the e-mail.
CMS CAMERON MCKENNA NABARRO OLSWANG LLP SCP is looking for an Associate in the Banking & Finance Team.
Skills required
Education / Professional Qualifications
Skills required
- Pragmatic approach to problem solving
- Sound legal reasoning
- Critical thinking and commercial awareness
- Attention to detail
- Communication, planning and organisation skills
- Experience with/involvement in finance transactions (lending, taking security)
- Sound legal reasoning
- Critical thinking and commercial awareness
- Attention to detail
- Communication, planning and organisation skills
- Experience with/involvement in finance transactions (lending, taking security)
Education / Professional Qualifications
- Degree from a reputable law school
- Fully qualified lawyer with up to 3 years’ experience
- Good spoken and written English
- Good professional legal writing skills
- Fully qualified lawyer with up to 3 years’ experience
- Good spoken and written English
- Good professional legal writing skills
Other Attributes
We are open-minded and are interested in people who share that quality. Naturally, we are looking for individuals who can demonstrate strong academic performance. Beyond this, we want to see evidence of:
- Hardworking attitude, open and honest approach, collaborative team player, motivation and drive, always looking for the highest level of professionalism, with the ability to develop and work in a fast paced, intellectually rigorous environment
- Eager to learn and develop.
- Eager to learn and develop.
Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!
What we offer?
– you will be a part of a team with international outlook and part of a global organisation
- you will be involved in both local and international transactions
- you will have the opportunity to work in various sectors: energy, tech
– we offer you a dynamic work environment and the opportunity to be a part of a leading global law firm with strong people values
– you will be a part of a young and dynamic team, closely involved in both cross-departmental and cross-border transactions
– we offer dedicated local and international training programmes
– we offer career progression.
- you will be involved in both local and international transactions
- you will have the opportunity to work in various sectors: energy, tech
– we offer you a dynamic work environment and the opportunity to be a part of a leading global law firm with strong people values
– you will be a part of a young and dynamic team, closely involved in both cross-departmental and cross-border transactions
– we offer dedicated local and international training programmes
– we offer career progression.
About CMS
CMS is a Future Facing firm. With more than 80 offices in over 48 countries and 5,800+ lawyers worldwide, we combine deep local market understanding with a global overview, giving us the ability not only to see what’s coming, but to shape it. In a world of ever-accelerating change where technology is increasingly important in the deployment of global strategies, our clear, business-focused advice helps clients of every size to face the future with confidence. We’re immersed in your world. Your interests and priorities are at the heart of what we do.
Our lawyers are genuine experts in their fields, with a grasp of detail that’s second to none. Our next-generation mindset is woven into all we do. It means we can anticipate the likely challenges, accelerate our pace and create the space to develop innovative solutions. We’re diverse, supportive and inclusive, embracing our corporate social responsibility and creating a culture in which every one of our people, can maximise their potential and thrive.
Then please, send your application (CV and cover letter) both in English language to Bucharest.Office@cms-cmno.com mentioning the position you are applying for in the subject of the e-mail.
Your application will be treated with strict confidentiality. Thank you in advance for your interest in joining our firm.
Applications should de submitted by no later than 1 November 2024.
Then please, send your application (CV and cover letter) both in English language to Bucharest.Office@cms-cmno.com mentioning the position you are applying for in the subject of the e-mail.
Your application will be treated with strict confidentiality. Thank you in advance for your interest in joining our firm.
Applications should de submitted by no later than 1 November 2024.
Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!
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