Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Dentons launches risk consulting business

09 August 2019   |   BizLawyer

John Davison and Christian Blackwell, both formerly of Norton Rose Fulbright, bring real industry experience to the practice.

Dentons has launched a risk consulting business to provide advisory, assurance and remediation services across the regulatory, operational, conduct and enterprise risk agendas in a cost effective and client-focussed way. 'Dentons Risk Consulting' is led by Managing Directors John Davison and Christian Blackwell who bring deep industry knowledge and consulting experience to the business.

Dentons Risk Consulting supports senior management, compliance and risk functions, enabling them to evaluate and enhance their risk management systems, and implement change where necessary to correct and prevent issues. The unit helps front office risk and control teams develop, evaluate and enhance their governance arrangements, tools and frameworks and control environments, as well as analyse and implement regulatory change and respond to regulator interventions. It delivers practical preventative and detective risk management solutions, tailored to meet the specific needs of each client and project. In addition to engaging the unit for specific assignments, clients will also be able to use Dentons Risk Consulting to support their ongoing risk management needs.

Dentons CEO for the UK and Middle East Jeremy Cohen comments, "Clients increasingly want their law firms to be holistic service providers as well as trusted legal advisers. Dentons is already on the panels of many of the major global financial institutions, advising them on their biggest transactions and most complex disputes. Now we will be able to offer them a broader service supporting them to operationalise compliance and risk management, aligning legal and non-legal services into an overall offering."

John Davison and Christian Blackwell, both formerly of Norton Rose Fulbright, bring real industry experience to the practice. John has worked for over 20 years in senior risk and compliance roles in global banking institutions as well as for the UK regulator and as a management consultant. Christian has spent over 20 years as a management consultant, including 14 years with PwC.

John Davison comments, "Clients look for efficient, tailored and sustainable solutions that address their specific requirements in a manner that fits their business model and is aligned with their strategic aims. Dentons' global capabilities provide a platform from which we can deliver a truly holistic service that enables clients to meet their legal and consulting needs from one provider.”

Christian Blackwell adds, "While initially focussed on UK financial services institutions, the flexibility of our model will enable us to service clients outside of this arena, such as the highly regulated and potentially high risk automotive, energy, pharmaceutical, aerospace and defence sectors. We will also be able to review the breadth of our proposition in response to changes in global regulation and economic conditions."

Dentons UK Managing Director Lisa Sewell comments, "The launch of Dentons Risk Consulting follows the establishment earlier this year of our UK Regulatory and Trade group, which brought together over 20 partners with market-leading reputations across a range of regulatory disciplines. In response to increasing demands for stand-alone regulatory advice, both in the UK and cross-border, we are now able to provide clients with a holistic compliance and regulatory service."

Dentons Risk Consulting LLP is a separate business to Dentons UK and Middle East LLP but is jointly owned by wholly owned subsidiaries of Dentons UK and Middle East LLP. Dentons Risk Consulting LLP is not regulated by the Solicitors' Regulation Authority and nor are the services it provides.






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