Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

PM Citu: Romania has a successful anti-COVID vaccination campaign; all EU countries reconfigured short-term immunization

27 Ianuarie 2021   |   Agerpres

He noted that the goal is to vaccinate against COVID-19 "as soon as possible, as many people as possible," so that immunization has an effect on society. The Prime Minister reiterated his conviction that the long-term goals for vaccination will be met.

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Wednesday stated that Romania is carrying out a "successful" vaccination campaign against COVID-19, one of the most successful in Europe, and he mentioned that all EU states had to reconfigure during this time the dose administration pace because manufacturing companies have adjusted their production.
"It's going very well, all the figures show that it's going very well. On the 25th we were on the first place in the European Union in terms of the number of vaccinations per day, calculated as an average. So Romania ranked first in the European Union at vaccinations. And we are still in top six in terms, with 2.5pct of the population that is to be vaccinated having already taken the vaccine, which we need to say so that people will know. With the resources that we have, limited resources, Romania manages to stay in the top. Yes, it is true, and Romania and the other EU countries had to reconfigure, to reset their vaccinations campaign in the very short term, because the vaccine companies have adjusted their production and we had to re-analyze the situation. But this happens in all EU countries, not only in Romania. However, Romania has a successful vaccination campaign, we have over 500,000 vaccinated people," Citu said, at the end of the Government meeting.
He noted that the goal is to vaccinate against COVID-19 "as soon as possible, as many people as possible," so that immunization has an effect on society. The Prime Minister reiterated his conviction that the long-term goals for vaccination will be met.
"Although we received 93,000 less vaccines last week, only 20,000 - 30,000 people were affected. (...) And even with these short-term problems, we sill have the same objectives we discussed with all the companies producing the vaccine, to get to vaccinate 10.4 million citizens by September. That goal has not changed. It could happen faster, but that is the target, and also to have 2.4 million vaccinations done by March 29 this year. We are taking on the contracts we have at the moment with the companies, especially with Pfizer, but with the other companies too, one at a time. I repeat, the vaccination campaign in Romania is going well, despite all those who thought we couldn't do it. But we did it and we even managed to rank first in Europe," said Florin Citu. 






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