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PostBrexit | More than 600,000 Romanians received resident status or temporary resident status in UK

28 Decembrie 2020   |   Agerpres

Data provided to AGERPRES by the Romanian Embassy in London based on the latest report published by the British Government on November 26, 2020, show that from the start of the EU Settlement Scheme programme until September 30, 2020, 670,600 applications of Romanian citizens were registered in order to obtain the status resident in the United Kingdom.

More than 600,000 Romanians have received resident or temporary resident status in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which will allows them, even after the end of the transition period after the withdrawal of this country from the European Union, to enjoy the same rights as before. Those who are in the United Kingdom and have not applied for this status yet can still do so, if they wish, until June 30 2021.
Data provided to AGERPRES by the Romanian Embassy in London based on the latest report published by the British Government on November 26, 2020, show that from the start of the EU Settlement Scheme programme until September 30, 2020, 670,600 applications of Romanian citizens were registered in order to obtain the status resident in the United Kingdom.
From these, 639,750 requests were answered by September 30, 2020, 218,390 receiving the confirmation of the status of resident (settled status), and 398,830 receiving the status of temporary resident (pre-settled status). Also, 4,340 applications were rejected on grounds related to non-compliance with the eligibility criteria, and 4,180 were withdrawn or considered null and void.
Romanian citizens, like all other citizens of the Member States of the European Union who have registered as residents of the United Kingdom under the EU Settlement Scheme procedure, will continue to enjoy the same rights as before.
Thus, those who have obtained the new resident status (pre-settled/settled) have the right to work in the United Kingdom without additional conditions, have free access to the British health system, have access to the British education system, including to continue studies without additional conditions, they can access public funds (social assistance, unemployment benefits, etc.) if the legal conditions are met and can move freely to or from the United Kingdom without additional conditions.
Obtaining resident status allows an absence of up to 5 years from the United Kingdom without loss of the abovementioned rights.
In the case of those who have obtained temporary residence (pre-settled status) an absence of up to 2 consecutive years from the United Kingdom is allowed without loss of the mentioned rights.
All EU citizens who are in the UK before December 31, 2020, and intend to live, work or study here after this date must apply to obtain resident status (settled status) or temporary resident (pre-settled status) under the EU Settlement Scheme by June 30, 2021, so that they can benefit from the said rights.
January 1, 2021, ends the transition period after withdrawal from the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland becomes a third country, which means that there will be changes in travel, work, study, trade and other fields.
Romanian citizens who want to come to the United Kingdom after January 1, 2021 (for work, study or a visit) must go to official sources for information, the Embassy states, adding that it is available with information or answers. 






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