Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

SIMION & BACIU strengthens its Disputes Resolution practice by welcoming Diana Chitea as Managing Associate

25 Mai 2023   |   BizLawyer

In her role at SIMION & BACIU, Diana will focus on strengthening the capabilities of the Dispute Resolution team while ensuring a coherent distribution of skills and professional abilities across ongoing cases, as well as expanding the portfolio of both new clients and of the types of cases we are mandated on by current clients.

SIMION & BACIU is pleased to announce the consolidation of the firm’s expertise in the Dispute Resolution area of practice with the addition of Diana Chitea as a Managing Associate.

Diana’s professional experience spans over 12 years and includes previous roles with law firms such as DAVID ȘI BAIAS (part of PwC Legal network), BĂNCILĂ, DIACONU ȘI ASOCIAȚII (part of Ernst & Young Global Ltd network), PNSA, as well as in other private practice.

She has been providing legal representation in relation to civil and commercial litigation and coordinated teams engaged by large corporations and entrepreneurial businesses active in a variety of industries, with a particular focus on sectors such as automotive, retail, real estate, oil and gas industry and technology. Her expertise also includes providing legal representation to public entities.

In addition to her court activity, Diana is regularly involved in designing the strategy for potential cases, negotiating or assisting on pre-litigation matters. Also, she has extensive experience in dealing with tax and administrative disputes, as well as in criminal law cases, with emphasis on white collar matters.

Complementing her professional activity, Diana is a lecturer on legal matters during courses and training sessions dedicated to students or lawyers seeking further professional development. She was part of the JUST Access project that circled some of the reputable university centers in Romania with the main objective to increase the access to justice for citizens. Also, she was part of the team who drafted de lege ferenda proposals aimed at improving the legislation concerning the access to justice for the vulnerable persons.

Currently, Diana is a lecturer with the National Institute for Lawyers' Professional Development (INPPA) and delivers presentations on Civil and Civil Procedure matters for trainee lawyers. Also, she is an active member of the Leaders for Justice programme.

In her role at SIMION & BACIU, Diana will focus on strengthening the capabilities of the Dispute Resolution team while ensuring a coherent distribution of skills and professional abilities across ongoing cases, as well as expanding the portfolio of both new clients and of the types of cases we are mandated on by current clients.

“The level of diligence and the integrated thinking that Diana embeds in her work are extraordinary. She has the much-desired ability to extract the essential elements that define a specific case and present them in an accessible, business-oriented manner. She adds a very personal approach which inspires balance and comfort. We are confident that her abilities will only enrich the highly qualitative and tailored manner of interacting with clients already associated with the SIMION & BACIU team”, mentioned Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner.

“As our Dispute Resolution practice group enters a stage of development, particularly given the increase in sophistication of the cases we are engaged in and expansion of the volume of work commissioned to us, we are pleased to welcome Diana. She is a mature professional who instils to clients, partners and colleagues the desire to find the best solution in any given circumstance and to aspire to continuous professional and personal advancement – pillars of our culture at SIMION & BACIU”,  added Cosmina Maria Simion, Managing Partner.

SIMION & BACIU’s Dispute Resolution practice group provides legal representation for start-ups and entrepreneurs, investment funds and major domestic and international corporations active in sectors such as retail and consumer goods, technology, automotive, media and telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, gambling, industrial production and manufacturing, fashion and luxury goods, utilities, real estate.







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