Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

MPR Partners | Maravela, Popescu & Asociații expands its team

02 Iulie 2020   |   BizLawyer

Cristina Crețu and Mihaela Nyerges joined the firm starting with January and March, respectively.

Besides a richer client portfolio and an increase of the mandates number, this first half of the year added new valuable members to MPR Partners | Maravela, Popescu & Asociații’s team.

Cristina Crețu and Mihaela Nyerges joined the firm starting with January and March, respectively.

Cristina Crețu has over 15 years of legal experience and has been, throughout the years, within the legal departments of two major telecom companies, having previously worked for the National Communications Regulator (ANCOM). She has a vast experience in the fields of electronic communications and technology and is equally known for her expertise in the data protection sector, having acted as DPO (Data protection Officer) for one of the largest telecom companies in Romania, previously held by Liberty Global Group.

Cristina Crețu has joined the firm as Senior Privacy & Technology Consultant.

„Besides the undisputed professional experience, Cristina adds value to the high-quality consultancy services we provide to our clients in the fields of technology, electronic communication and data protection. Furthermore, given the wealth of experience she has as in-house, Cristina can liaise efficiently and perfectly understand the needs of our clients. For all these reasons, we are very happy to have her onboard”, stated Alina Popescu, Founding Partner.

„After so many years as in-house, I am glad to have the opportunity to use the amassed experience to offer consultancy services to clients. The decision to join MPR Partners | Maravela, Popescu & Asociații came naturally, furthermore since I thus have the chance to work with former university colleagues, with whom I share the same values and desire to provide top quality services to clients”, said Cristina Crețu.

Mihaela Nyerges has over 15 years of experience in mergers and acquisitions, corporate and commercial law, regulatory and compliance as well as in niche sectors such as energy and natural resources. She has assisted major energy operators in developing major investment projects in the energy generation (from conventional and renewable sources) and has been involved in the in the drafting of legislation in the electricity trading and generation of power from renewable energy sources. Throughout her career, Mihaela assisted governmental authorities, publicly held companies as well as domestic and international private entities in a wide variety of legal matters and coordinated multidisciplinary teams in complex projects. Prior to joining MPR Partners | Maravela, Popescu & Asociații, Mihaela worked at Țuca, Zbârcea & Asociații and Mușat & Asociații.

Mihaela Nyerges has joined the firm as Managing Associate.

„Mihaela is an excellent professional who joined our firm at the perfect moment when the requests for those practice areas she excels in have started to multiply. We are happy to have her by our side for working in major projects together”, added Gelu Maravela, Founding Partner.

„I am thrilled to enter a new professional stage alongside lawyers that have as essential values professionalism, rigor and close attention to clients’ needs. I am convinced that together we will strengthen the firm’s position in the fields of energy and natural resources as well as mergers and acquisitions”, declared Mihaela Nyerges.

Further information about MPR Partners | Maravela, Popescu & Asociații is available at http://www.mprpartners.com






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