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AmCham Romania Has a New Executive Director: Letiția Pupăzeanu Takes Over from Anca Harasim beginning with July 1st, 2021

09 Iunie 2021   |   BizLawyer

Following a 6 year experience at the USAID (United States Agency for International Development), Letiția Pupăzeanu joined AmCham Romania in 2007 as Advocacy Manager, later promoted to Policy Director and Deputy Executive Director.

Letiția Pupăzeanu will be the Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania) beginning with July 1st, 2021 taking over this role from Anca Harasim who has served AmCham in this role for the past 21 years. Anca will continue to support AmCham’s activity as management consultant until the end of March 2022.

“I am honoured and privileged to be entrusted with this role. I would like to thank Anca for the effort and the enthusiasm that she relentlessly invested in the development of the organization. Along with my colleagues in the AmCham team we will remain committed towards promoting the vision of the AmCham community and our priorities for Romania’s sustainable economic growth and improved business climate. The challenging period that is not over has contributed to strengthening AmCham and it proved once again the importance of working together as a private sector and of having a constructive contribution to identifying the best solutions” said Letiția Pupăzeanu, the new AmCham Romania Executive Director.

“It has been a privilege for me to serve AmCham as Executive Director for the past 21 years and thus be part of the organization’s growth and transformation into a trustworthy partner for the business community and decision makers alike. I am handing over the executive leadership to an exceptional professional who has significantly contributed to AmCham’s progress as member of the AmCham team since 2007. I would like to thank AmCham members and partners for their support and trust that they’ve shown in the context of our collaboration” Anca Harasim said.

"On behalf of the AmCham Board of Directors and AmCham members at large I would like to thank Anca for her remarkable contribution to consolidating AmCham to what it is today – a strong and relevant organization. We acknowledge her merit and long time effort to make AmCham a landmark among business associations in Romania. Letiția enjoys our full support on taking over the mandate to lead AmCham towards the next stage of relevance and growth and we wish her every success” AmCham Romania’s President Ionuț Simion said.

Following a 6 year experience at the USAID (United States Agency for International Development), Letiția Pupăzeanu joined AmCham Romania in 2007 as Advocacy Manager, later promoted to Policy Director and Deputy Executive Director.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania) is a leading representative of the business community in Romania, acknowledged as a promoter of the private-public dialogue on matters related to the business climate, public policies that impact Romania’s economy and competitiveness or the economic ties between Romania and the U.S.

Currently, AmCham Romania’s over 450 members – U.S., international and Romanian companies allow AmCham to engage in promoting the business priorities for many industries, through dedicated working groups, such as: Capital Markets & Financial Services, Corporate Governance, Competition and State-Aid, Education, Energy, Environment, Health, Digital Economy, Labor, Structural Funds, Public Procurement and PPP, Real Estate, Taxation and Tourism.

AmCham Romania is an accredited member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and is part of the AmChams in Europe network.







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