Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Managers in Romania expect growth in construction, retail trade business, prices in next three months

28 Mai 2021   |   Agerpres

In the business survey of May 2021, managers in the manufacturing industry expect a moderate increase in production volume for the next three months (short term balance + 13%). For the beverage manufacturing activity there should be a sharp increase (short term balance + 45%).

For the next three months, Romanian managers expect an increase in business volume and prices in construction and retail trade, as well as a moderate increase in business volume and prices in the manufacturing industry and services according to findings of a survey conducted by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) and released on Friday.
In the business survey of May 2021, managers in the manufacturing industry expect a moderate increase in production volume for the next three months (short term balance + 13%). For the beverage manufacturing activity there should be a sharp increase (short term balance + 45%).
Regarding the number of employees, relative stability is expected, with the short term balance being 0% on the total manufacturing industry. For the prices of industrial products, a moderate increase is forecast in the next three months (short term balance + 13%).
According to the May 2021 estimates, in the construction activity there will be an increase of the production volume for the next three months (short term balance + 28%). Managers estimate a moderate increase in the number of employees (short term balance + 11%). Regarding the prices of construction works, they are expected to increase (short term balance + 31%).
In the retail trade sector, managers estimate for the next three months an upward tick in economic activity (short term balance + 24%). The volume of orders filed with suppliers of goods by businesses will increase (short term balance + 17%).
For the next three months, employers forecast a moderate increase in the number of employees (short term balance + 14%). Managers of commercial companies expect retail prices to increase (short term balance + 29%).
According to the May 2021 estimates, demand for services (turnover) will increase moderately in the next three months (short term balance + 13%). In the services sector, a moderate increase in the number of employees is estimated (short term balance 10%). According to the managers' opinion, the selling or invoicing prices for services will tend to increase moderately (short term balance + 7%).
INS says that the short term balance reflected by the survey indicates the perception of business managers on the dynamics of a phenomenon that should not be mistaken for the rate of increase or decrease of any statistical indicator produced by the INS.
The short-term percentage balance is the difference between the percentage of managers who chose the positive version of the phenomenon and the percentage of those who indicated the negative version, as follows: up to ą 5% relative stability; ą 6% to ą 15% moderate increase or moderate decrease, respectively; ą 16% to ą 40% increase or decrease, respectively; over ą 40% sharp increase or decrease, respectively. 






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