Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Temporary labor market of Romania, increase of over 19 pct in first half of year (analysis)

25 August 2021   |   Agerpres

Thus, 37 pct of the total number of employments in temporary projects targeted candidates at the beginning of their career, 33 pct specialists and qualified personnel, 19 pct unqualified personnel and 11 pct managements.

The market for temporary labor has recorded an increase of over 19 pct in the first half of the year, most employments on temporary work projects being done on entry-level profiles, according to an analysis conducted by the Association of Human Resource Services Suppliers (AFSRU).
Thus, 37 pct of the total number of employments in temporary projects targeted candidates at the beginning of their career, 33 pct specialists and qualified personnel, 19 pct unqualified personnel and 11 pct managements.
"A large number of opportunities was opened this year for young graduates. Foreign language speakers were recruited, as well as economic studies graduates, youths willing to learn, motivated to work and develop," said Bogdan Gabor, chairman of the AFSRU, in a press release sent on Wednesday to AGERPRES.
In the top of industries that appealed most to temporary labor solutions are the transport and logistics industry, production, the IT&C industry, agriculture, the automotive industry, mass market retail, pharma, but also SSCs and BPOs.
According to data provided by the AFSRU members, this year saw most job offers come in call centers, for positions as skilled or unskilled laborers, production operators, drivers, client service analysts, as well as IT support specialists.
On the list of recruited competencies are the technical and digital competencies, foreign language knowledge, computer skills, information analysis, but also abilities such as attention to detail, the ability to stay focused on repetitive tasks or dexterity. Creativity, a capacity for innovation and communication skills are also highly appreciated.
Founded by the largest players in the human resource services market of Romania, AFSRU proposes the flexibilization of conditions to access the labor market and create new jobs, in the context in which Romania has at this time the lowest rate of temporary labor contracts in Europe (only 0.9 pct compared to the EU average of 10.7 pct) and faces various challenges in the area of human resource services, especially in the special context generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The AFSRU has 16 members, namely the main temporary labor and human resource services agencies in Romania. The members of the Association conduct nearly 70 pct of temporary labor activities in Romania. The turnover of HR suppliers at the end of 2020 was approximately 3.7 billion RON, down by 7 pct compared to the previous year. 






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