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D&B David si Baias promotes Amelia Teis and Mihail Boian as Partners

03 Octombrie 2019   |   BizLawyer

Amelia Teis joined D&B David and Baias team in 2014, being specialized in administrative, commercial and public procurement disputes. Mihail Boian joined the D&B team David and Baias nine years ago, being a graduate of Law School of the University of Bucharest and he is a member of the Bucharest Bar Association since 2009.

The law firm D&B David și Baias announces that, starting 01 October, 2019, Amelia Teis and Mihail Boian become partners in the practice of tax, commercial and administrative litigation. With the promotion in the new roles, they will join the team of D&B partners David and Baias formed of Sorin David, Managing Partner, Dan Dascălu, Anda Rojanschi, Ana-Maria Iordache and Adrian Șter.

”D&B David and Baias continued, during the last 12 months, the excellent course, managing to consolidate and expand the practices where traditionally it’s among the leaders of the Romanian law firms market. The success is due, first and foremost, to the outstanding lawyers who work within the company and who have reconfirmed their professionalism, loyalty and devotion to clients and to the team. I congratulate Amelia and Mihail and I am convinced that they will continue to bring valuable benefits to both D&B David and Baias clients as well as to our team”, said Sorin David, Managing Partner, D&B David and Baias.

Amelia Teis joined D&B David and Baias team in 2014, being specialized in administrative, commercial and public procurement disputes. With over 15 years experience as a trial lawyer, she has successfully represented numerous local and multinational companies before the Romanian courts, as well as the national and international arbitration courts in complex actions in the sectors: utilities, infrastructure or constructions, medical, energy and natural resources, defense and security. Amelia is also recognized as a specialist in public procurement, being involved both in the complex award procedures of public procurement contracts with estimated values of over EUR 40 million, as well as in disputes regarding the execution of public procurement contracts or financed from European funds.

Mihail Boian joined the D&B team David and Baias nine years ago, being a graduate of Law School of the University of Bucharest and he is a member of the Bucharest Bar Association since 2009. In his professional activity he has assisted and / or represented clients in various disputes related to income tax, VAT, calculation and payment of excise duties, local taxes or social securities.
In recent years, he has been involved, in particular, in complex cases related to transfer pricing that have involved assistance before the courts and also before the tax authorities in the amicable procedures carried out in order to eliminate double taxation under the double taxation treaties and the Arbitration Convention. Mihail was actively involved in the business environment efforts with the public authorities related to the elaboration of the procedural-fiscal legislation.

“The litigation practice of our law firm has a solid reputation that we have built year after year with the support of our colleagues who have proven outstanding professional and human qualities. Amelia and Mihail are involved in many projects of high complexity, which demonstrate their knowledge, experience and professionalism, as well as the appreciation they enjoy among the clients. We will continue to invest effort and energy to expand litigation practice in the coming years, so that we can reward our clients' trust, but also create new career development opportunities for our colleagues”, says Dan Dascălu, Coordinating Partner of the litigation practice. within D&B David și Baias.

"I congratulate Amelia and Mihail for their exceptional professional achievement and I am delighted to collaborate to provide clients with integrated, multidisciplinary solutions tailored to their needs in both fiscal and legal matters, given our long-standing relationship with D&B David și Baias, PwC affiliate law firm in Romania and part of the international network PwC Legal”, says Daniel Anghel, PwC Romania Partner and Tax and Legal Services Leader.







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