Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Stratulat Albulescu strengthens its Dispute Resolution team with the addition of Counsel - Adriana Dobre and Managing Associate - Roxana Catea. Senior Associate - Mihai Macovei also joins the team

21 Iulie 2020   |   BizLawyer

After having expanded the Real Estate, Corporate/M&A and Employment Groups with the recruitment of 6 new members, the appointment of Adriana, Roxana and Mihai is yet another indication of the ongoing development of the law firm as a whole and, in particular, its dispute resolution practice.

Stratulat Albulescu’s Dispute Resolution has recently added 3 new talented lawyers to its already thriving and renowned team:

Adriana Dobre joined as Counsel in July after 9 years at RTPR Allen & Overy. Prior to this Adriana worked for David & Baias, the associated law firm of Price Waterhouse Coopers for 3 years.

She has over 12 years’ experience in all kinds of litigation and disputes but her particular expertise and strength lie in contentious, administrative litigation and disputes, tax litigation and arbitration. Significantly, Adriana spent 10 years involved in litigation surrounding investigations by the Competition Council in a number of markets such as telecoms, retail, pharmaceuticals and oil and gas.

Adriana’s tax disputes experience is equally extensive having been involved in matters with significant values and ranging from VAT disputes to income tax, royalty and transfer pricing disputes. 

Adriana boasts an impressive success rate of over 90% with much of her work being complex and high profile.

Adriana will co-ordinate one of two Dispute Resolution Groups where her extensive legal experience will be complemented by her excellent communication skills enabling her to not only manage client relationships but also to manage and co-ordinate relevant team members, so as to enhance the structure and direction of an already high-performing and skilled team.

As if all this wasn’t enough, Adriana has also published numerous legal articles on civil law, civil procedural law, European law, tax and administrative law and she is also the co-author of “New Civil Code. Notes, correlations, explanations”.

Roxana Catea joined as a Managing Associate in June after working for just over 7 years at Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii. Prior to this Roxana also worked for one of the leading Big 4 associated law desks in Romania.

She has 9 years’ experience in a wide range of litigation but her particular areas of expertise are in the commercial field including corporate litigation, insurance and bankruptcy litigation, insolvency and restructuring litigation, contract disputes, foreign judgement enforcement proceedings, professional and product liability and last, but not least, labour disputes.

Additionally, Roxana boasts extensive experience in the field of special procedures, including annulment of promissory notes, banking payment issues and procedures before the Financial Supervisory Authority in respect of regulation of  Romanian insurance companies and court related disputes.

Roxana will co-ordinate a second Dispute Resolution Group where her strong written communication skills coupled with her excellent language skills (she speaks no fewer than 4 languages being Romanian, Spanish, French and English) and her sharp analytical mind enable her to focus not only on the end result but on each and every step of the litigation process, ensuring the best defence is identified and implemented and keeping the clients’ business at the centre of her focus.

Roxana is also, impressively, studying for her PhD in Commercial Law whilst lecturing on the same at Nicolae Titulescu University’s Faculty of Law.

Mihai Macovei joined in June as a Senior Associate in Adriana Dobre’s Dispute Resolution Group after spending 7 years at one of the oldest and most reputable Romanian law firms, Musat & Asociatii, which is also where he began his legal career.

Mihai has significant experience in the litigation field with particular strength in commercial litigation, contract and bankruptcy litigation and finance and banking litigation.

Mihai is an extremely efficient team member whose assertive and organised manner enable him to independently manage complex disputes for both multi-national organisations and domestic companies alike.

Mihai graduated from the Faculty of Law in Timisoara (West University) and has two Masters degrees, one in Business Law from the University of Bucharest and the other in International Commercial Arbitration from Stockholm University (2016).

Managing Partner, Silviu Stratulat, commented: “The team here at Stratulat Albulescu just goes from strength to strength. Having Adriana, Roxana and Mihai join the team just further solidifies my belief that we are going into the second half of 2020 stronger than ever. With the complexity of disputes on the rise we are committed to ensuring that our advice and support for our clients is the best it can possibly be”.

After having expanded the Real Estate, Corporate/M&A and Employment Groups with the recruitment of 6 new members, the appointment of Adriana, Roxana and Mihai is yet another indication of the ongoing development of the law firm as a whole and, in particular, its dispute resolution practice.






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